
Deferred Compensation Settings

Use this subtask to change certain taxable entity-specific ("company-specific" in Costpoint 4.0) settings used by the Retirement Benefits modules in ESS 3.1.

Note: For Costpoint version 4.0, all references to "taxable entity" refer to "company."

Set up this screen before implementing the ESS Retirement Benefits module in ESS. 

Taxable Entity ("Company" in Costpoint 4.0)

This field displays the taxable entity ("company" in Costpoint 4.0) from the main ESS Company Settings screen.

Deferred Compensation Settings

Immediate Update of Deferred Compensation Deductions

Select this checkbox if changes to an employee's deferred compensation percentage (Current Percent/Amount) in the Retirement Benefits screen (under the Payroll menu in ESS) should immediately update the employee's deduction settings in Deltek Costpoint. If you do not select this checkbox, the changes made to the deferred compensation percentage in the Retirement Benefits screen for the employee will be held in an ESS staging table, where the information can later be processed and uploaded using the Upload Retirement Benefits Changes screen. When you first access this screen, this checkbox will not be selected.

Employees Can Change Deduction Method

Select this checkbox to allow employees to change their deduction method in ESS.

Minimum Percent

Enter the minimum deferred compensation percentage value (Current Percent/Amount) that is allowed when an employee changes his withholding percent in the Retirement Benefits screen in ESS. There is no default for this field. The value must be between 0 and 100 and must be less than or equal to the maximum deferred compensation percentage value.

Maximum Percent

Enter the maximum deferred compensation percentage value that is allowed when an employee changes his withholding percent in the Retirement Benefits screen in ESS. There is no default for this field. The value must be between 0 and 100 and must be greater than or equal to the minimum deferred compensation percentage value.

Open Change Periods

Use this table window to specify the date ranges for the period when the deferred compensation percentage changes will be accepted.  Select the New Line button on the toolbar at the top of the screen to enter new lines in this table window. All functions except Repeat are available under the Line menu.

Start Date (MM/DD)

Enter a deferred compensation open change period start date to be used in the Retirement Benefits screen in ESS. Enter a numeric month and day in this editable column. The change Start Date must be before the change End Date for the selected row.

End Date (MM/DD)

Enter a deferred compensation open change period end date to be used in Retirement Benefits screen in ESS. Enter a numeric month and day in this editable column. The change End Date must be after the change Start Date for the selected row.


Use this group box to view the detail related to deduction amounts for the related payroll. Deduction information is established in the Deductions screen in Costpoint Payroll.

Deduction Code

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the deduction code that employees are allowed to add or update in ESS.

Deduction Method

Use this drop-down box to choose the deduction method that is allowable for the deduction code in ESS.