Resource Assignments Page of the Assignment Import/Assignment Export Wizard

Use this page to select whether you want to export or import resource assignments by a specific result.


Field Description
Export to Excel Select this option to export resource assignments to Excel.
Control Account Use this field to select the control account to be exported. You can select multiple control accounts.

Click to display the Control Account Lookup dialog box, where you can select the control account containing the resource assignments that you want to export.

Class Use this field to select the class that Cobra will include in the export process. You can only select from budget and forecast classes that are used in the Resources tab of Project view. You cannot select a frozen forecast class or a class that is marked as read-only.
Results Use this field to select the result that will be included in the exported data.
  • First Result: This option will export only the values for the resource assignments in the first result, such as HOURS for labor resources.
  • Total currency: This option will export only the total currency results for the resource assignments.
  • Selected Result: Select this option enables the Result field and select a specific result for the resource assignments. You can only select one result.
Import from Excel Select this option only if you want to import resource assignment data from Excel. Cobra imports data that was modified in the exported Excel file.