Integrate Actual Costs Process

Use the Integrate Actual Costs API process to import actual costs into a project in progress.

Process Settings

Below are the settings you must define for the Integrate Actual Costs API process.

Setting Description Sample Value
ProcessID This setting informs Cobra to run the Integrate Actual Costs process. IntegrateActualCosts
ConfigurationName This setting refers to the name of the configuration stored in the database. The configuration file is created on the last page of the Integration Wizard and contains the list of actions to be run on the project.

This setting is required.

Project This setting refers to the project where you want to import actual costs.

This setting is required.

Demo Advanced
TransactionFile This setting refers to the file that contains the data you want to import.

This must be a fully qualified filename.

This setting optional. By default, this field is set to the settings in the configuration file.

ConfigurationOwner This setting is optional. However, if the user ID running the API process is not the owner of the configuration file, you must define this setting in the API script. SYSADMIN
ExclusionFile This setting forces the zeroing process to ignore the actual costs contained in a file.

The exception file must be in the same format (Format 1 or Format 2) and have the same column order as the actuals import file.

This setting is ignored if the ZeroUnreferencedActualCosts field is not set to 1.

This setting is optional.

ValidateOnly Use this setting to validate the actual costs without posting any data to the Cobra database.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

Class If the file does not include the actuals class, this setting is used to determine the class that will hold the data when loaded. The value must be an actuals class in the Cobra project; otherwise the process will not be completed successfully.

This setting is optional.

ClassId This setting is optional and can be used instead of the Class setting. Actual
FieldList This setting holds a comma-delimited list of the fields used when loading data from an import file. The field list is used to determine the position of the data being loaded into Cobra. The field list must use field labels such as CA1, CA2, WP, CECODE, HOURS, DIRECT, OVERHEAD, or GANDA and not WBS or Resource. The fields are separated by commas and there should not be any spaces between the fields.

This setting is optional.

IgnoreClassList This setting forces the zeroing process to skip any actual cost records whose class appears in the defined cost class list. This setting is ignored if ZeroUnreferencedActualCosts is not set to 1.

This setting is optional.

ResultsToCalculate This setting holds a comma-delimited list of resource Results that are calculated after the actual costs are loaded.

This setting is optional.

ResultIdList This setting is optional and can be used instead of the ResultsToCalculate setting. OVERHEAD,GANDA
ZeroUnreferencedActualCosts If value is set to 1, Cobra zeroes out actual cost records that do not have a corresponding entry in the load actuals import file.

This setting is optional and the default value is 0.

FieldMapperColumnHeaders This setting is optional and can be used instead of the FieldList setting. CA1,CECODE,HOURS,DIRECT


This setting is optional and can be used instead of the IgnoreClassList setting. Budget,Forecast,OTB

Sample Script

Below is a sample script file for the Integrate Actual Costs API process.

Project=Demo Advanced