Export Structures Page of the wInsight Wizard

Use this page to define the structures that you want to use when exporting data to wInsight.

The information entered on this page is exported to the XML file as follows:

  • Exported structure information is exported to the <Structure> section of the XML file.
  • Exported structure data is exported to the <Elements> section of the XML file.


Field Description
Selection box This column displays a checkbox for each structure. Select the checkbox for the structure that you want to export.
Name This column displays the field label and prompt that the structure is associated with on the project. For a key field, this is the key field’s prompt. For a code field, this is the code field’s prompt.
Note: This field must be unique for all code files. You cannot export more than one field with the same name. For example, if the CA1 key field uses WBS and a CA-level code uses WBS, the export process does not begin. You must rename one of the labels in Cobra.
File This column displays the name of the structure file.
Exported Name This field displays the name that you want to give to the corresponding wInsight structure. When assigning a name to the corresponding structure, consider the following information:
  • Duplicate names are not allowed.
  • The name must be unique.
  • If a file represents the WBS, you must give it the name WBS.
  • If a file represents the OBS, you must give it the name OBS.
  • At least one code file must have an exported name of WBS.
  • You cannot use the name Indirect for any structure. This is a reserved name used internally by the export.
Level Use this field to select the level at which you want to summarize and export the data for each code. You may select one of the following options:
  • Control Account: This level applies to control account codes and control account key fields.
  • Work Package: This level applies to control account key fields, work package key fields, and work package codes.
  • Resource Assignment: This level applies to structures assigned to the control account and work package code fields.
  • Code File level: This level applies to the code file structure level, which varies depending on the number of levels that exist in the selected code file. For example, if the code file contains four levels, options are 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Code for Control Account level actual costs This field is the code ID used for the element that represents control account level actual costs if costs are captured at the control account level but an export structure is exported down to the work package level. The default value is Actuals, but you can enter a different value in the field.

This field is enabled only under the following conditions:

  • Costs are captured at the control account level or both control account and work package levels.
  • There is at least one control account level Actual cost class defined.
  • You chose to export at least one structure down to the work package level.
Parent code for multiple top level codes This field is the code ID used for the top level element that is added to structures that have multiple top level elements. The default value is Top, but you can enter a different value in the field. This field is enabled only if one or more of the selected structures have multiple top levels.

The value in this field applies to all structures with multiple top levels. This field is required.