Codes Page of the Integration Wizard-Open Plan

Use this page to select the code information you want to import from the schedule, and the Cobra code file where you want the code file to be imported.

Note: The Codes page of the Integration Wizard displays only if you are importing codes.


Field Description
Action Use this field to select whether to update an existing code file in Cobra, or create or overwrite a new one.
  • Update: Select this option to add new codes to the existing file. Codes that match the imported codes have the description updated.
  • Create/ Overwrite: Select this option to create the selected Cobra code file if it does not exist yet. If it exists, the existing file is deleted and recreated.
Schedule Code Use this field to define the codes to import from the schedule.
Open Plan Click to open a list of BDN (breakdown structure) files that you have read access to in Open Plan. It may take some time to retrieve data for the database.
Cobra Code File To select the code file into which you import data, either click and select a file from the list or enter the name of the code file in this field.
  • If you select Update as the action, the Cobra code file you select must be an existing code file.
  • If you select Create/ Overwrite as the action, you can either select an existing file or enter a name for a new file to be created. If you select this option, the default value in the Cobra Code File field becomes New Code 1. If that name already exists, it increments to the next number.
Add Use this button to insert a row into the grid so that you can import another code file.
Delete Use this button to delete the selected row. This button is disabled if no row is selected.