Calculation Range Page of the Apportionment Calculation Wizard

Use this page to indicate the period or date range that Cobra will use in the apportionment calculation.


Field Description
All periods in the project Select this option to perform apportionment calculation for all relevant project data (mappings) for the entire date range of the source resource.
All periods after the status date of the project Select this option to perform apportionment calculation for all relevant project data (mappings) from the status date of the project to the last date of the project (baseline finish date).
By a specific data range Select this option to perform the apportionment calculation for all relevant project data (mappings) for a specific date range.
Use the From and To fields to enter or select the start and end dates of the date range.
  • From: The selected label determines the start date used during the process. The date used is determined by the previous calendar label plus one day, or more specifically, the beginning of the selected period.
  • To: The date in the fiscal calendar that corresponds to the selected label is used as the end date.

Cobra displays an error if the date in the To field is earlier than the date in the From field. If both dates in the From and To fields are the first period in the calendar, both the start and end dates are the first dates in the calendar.

Note: The Date Lookup dialog box displays the calendar period labels for calendar set 00.

For a better understanding of the many ways date ranges are used, refer to the sample project data and table below.

Sample Project Data

  • The calendar is one year long, starting 2022-DEC-31 and ending 2023-DEC-31.
  • The first date in calendar set 00 is 2022-DEC-31.
  • The last date in calendar set 00 is 2023-DEC-31.
  • Fiscal periods all end on the last day of the month.
  • Labels are MMMYYYY (for example, MAR2023).
Scenario Expected Behavior
When you select the first period end date in the fiscal calendar in the From field (or To field) Assuming you select DEC2022, as this is the very first day of the project, there is no previous period in the calendar. Therefore, Cobra will use 2022-DEC-31.
When you select the same period label for both the From and To fields

Cobra will use the date from the previous calendar period, add one day, and use that as the From field date. The To field date will match the calendar date of the selected label.

For example:
  • From Field Date = MAR2023: Cobra will use the previous calendar period, which is 2023-FEB-28, and add one day, so it will use 2023-MAR-01.
  • To Field Date = MAR2023: Cobra will use the date from the MAR2023 calendar period, which is 2023-MAR-31.
When you select different labels in the From and To fields

Cobra will use the date from the previous calendar period, add one day, and use that as the From field date. The To field date will match the calendar date of the selected label.

For example:
  • From Field Date = FEB2023: Cobra will use the previous calendar period, which is 2023-JAN-31, and add one day, so it will use 2023-FEB-01.
  • To Field Date = JUN2023: Cobra will use the date from the JUN2023 calendar period, which is 2023-JUN-30.
When you select a label in the To field that is prior to the selected label in the From field Cobra will display a validation message, as this scenario is not allowed.