Update Open Plan Resources

Use the Update Open Plan Resources wizard to update information on the Open Plan Professional schedule.

You must first import resource information from Open Plan and use the top-down planning feature in Cobra to determine the hours for resources that correspond to a specific derived budget cost. You can then use this information to update the resource requirement levels for activities in the original Open Plan schedule.

When updating Open Plan resources from Cobra, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • The entire project is saved in the Open Plan schedule.
  • Cobra assumes that Cobra work packages are linked on a one-to-one basis with project activities and that resources are linked on a one-to-one basis with activity resources.
  • Cobra does not add any additional activities or resource assignments to the Open Plan schedule. It only updates the level.
  • Only the resource is saved in Open Plan.
  • Cobra assumes that resource requirements are defined by using spread curves and that offsets and periods are not used.

This feature is frequently used in the following situations:

  • To force a schedule to match an estimate
  • To enter negotiated top-level contract changes such as reducing labor costs by 10%
  • To move budget to management reserve