Fields Tab of the Project Properties Dialog Box

Use this tab to define the control account and work package structures that the project will use. The budget, actual, earned, and forecast values are loaded against these structures.

You define the control account manager (CAM) and the change number used for change control on this tab. You can also use this tab to assign code files to control accounts and/or work packages.
Note: You can select firm-specific terminology on the General tab of the Application Preferences dialog box. If you chose names other than Control Account, CAM, and so on, the names that you chose will appear here.

Control Account and Work Package Fields Information

Field Description
Control Account Field 1 The prompt for this field defaults to WBS (work breakdown structure). You can change this prompt to something that suits your project.

Click in the Code File column to display the Code File Lookup dialog box, where you can select the code file to assign to Control Account Field 1. This is a required field.

You can change the name of Control Account Field 1 in this field.

Control Account Field 2 The prompt for this field defaults to OBS (organizational breakdown structure).

Click in the Code File column to display the Code File Lookup dialog box, where you can select the code file to assign to Control Account Field 2. This is not a required field.

If you want to use only one field per control account, leave the prompts for Control Account Field 2 and Control Account Field 3 blank.

Control Account Field 3 You can enter any prompt in this field (for example, RBS for resource breakdown structure).

Click in the Code File column to display the Code File Lookup dialog box, where you can select the code file to assign to Control Account Field 3. This is not a required field.

If you want to use only one field per control account, leave the prompts for Control Account Field 2 and Control Account Field 3 blank.

Work Package Field You can enter a prompt for the Work Package Field. The default prompt is WP. This is not a required field.

Adding a work package code to this field enables you to select a work package value from the code file when setting up work packages for your project.

CAM Use this field to select the code file containing the control account managers (CAMs) that you want to use for the project's control accounts. This is not a required field.
Change Number Use this field for change control. The code file that you use in this field must contain codes values that are assigned to control or track baseline changes. Assigning a code file instructs Cobra that when a baseline change occurs, Cobra can associate this change with a code from the attached code file. Using a code file is not required for this field.

Your options are:

  • <none> — Select this option if you do not want to use change numbers.
  • Code (optional) — Select this option to choose a valid code assignment from the code file specified in the Code File column or to leave the code assignments blank. Codes assignments may be left blank. However, when assigning codes, Cobra will validate that the assigned codes exist in the code file.
  • Code (required) — Select this option to require that a valid code assignment be selected from the code file specified in the Code File column. When assigning codes, Cobra will validate if the assigned codes exist in the code file. This option only allows you to assign valid codes from a code file and does not allow blank code assignments. Cobra does not validate existing assignments until individual records are selected. Previously blank or invalid assignments will not be updated automatically.
  • Text — Select this option to enter any text in the Change Number field.

Control Account Codes

Use this tab to assign control account codes to the project. Cobra displays the control account codes in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view. This is particularly useful in creating reports. You can define a maximum of nine code files for the control account and nine code files for the work package.

Field Description
Number This column displays the maximum number of codes that can be established for a control account or work package.
Prompt Use this field to assign the prompt that Cobra will use to represent this code field. This prompt will appear as a column header in all the grids where it is used, as well as in selection fields. You must enter a label in this field if you select Code (optional), Code (required), or Text in the Code Field Type field.
Code Field Type This field provides you with five options:
  • <none> — Select this option if you do not want to assign code files to the project's control accounts.
  • Code (optional) — Select this option to choose a valid code file from the Code File column or leave that column blank.
  • Code (required) — Select this option to choose a valid code file from the Code File column.
  • Text — Select this option to enter any text in the code field.
  • User Field — Select this option to choose a user for the code field from the list of users defined in the EPM Security Administrator.
Code File Use this column to assign code files to the code file that you are creating. Click to open the Code File Lookup dialog box, where you can select the code file that you want to use. You can only select a code file in this field if you selected the Code (optional) or Code (required) option in the Code Field Type field.

Work Package Codes

Use this tab to assign work package codes to the project. Cobra displays the control account codes in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view. This is particularly useful in creating reports. You can define a maximum of nine code files.

The options and fields on this tab are identical to the options and fields on the Control Account Codes tab.

Resource Assignment Codes

Use this tab to define resource assignment codes. Cobra supports a maximum of nine codes. Codes on a resource are consistent for all work packages. These codes allow you to enter a different code for each resource assignment class combination.

The options and fields on this tab are identical to the options and fields on the Control Account Codes tab, except for the supported code field types. Resource Assignment only recognizes the <none>, Code (optional), and Code (required) code field types.