Assign Work on a Project to One Resource

To assign work on a project or opportunity to a single resource and enter planned hours, display the resource in the Resource View grid and specify the assignment information in the Add Assignment dialog box.

Alternative: If you need to assign multiple resources to work on the same project or opportunity, select the check box for each of those resources in the Resource View grid and click + Add Assignments on the Resource View toolbar.

To assign work on a project or opportunity to a single resource, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Resource Management workspace, click to go to the Resource View.
  2. If necessary, use a search to display, in the grid, the resource to whom you want to assign work.
  3. Click the resource row in the grid, and click in the Resource/Level field in the row to display the Add Assignments dialog box. (The does not display if the resource is inactive or terminated. You can only add assignments for active resources.)

    If the resource already has at least one assignment for the project or opportunity and you want to make another assignment for a work breakdown structure (WBS) element on a specific branch of the project or opportunity tree, an alternative is to expand the WBS rows for the project or opportunity in the Resource View grid down to a parent level for the WBS element, and click that parent and then click on that WBS row. In the Add Assignments dialog box, only the portion of the tree that you selected displays, making it easier to locate the element for which you want to make the assignment.

  4. In the Find project or opportunity field, select the project or opportunity for which you want to assign work to the resources.

    Click in to select the project from the full list, enter one character to display and select from a list of projects and opportunities with a project/opportunity ID, name, or primary client that starts with that character, or enter two or more characters to select from a list of projects and opportunities with an ID, name or primary client that contains those characters.

  5. Expand the WBS levels to display the WBS element for which you want to assign work to the resource.

    You can only make assignments for the lowest, or "leaf," level of each branch of the project or opportunity tree. A check box displays next to the WBS elements for which you can add an assignment.

  6. Select the ADD check box for the WBS element. Result: Other fields in the row become available.
  7. In ASSIGNMENT START and ASSIGNMENT END, click and use the calendar to select the start and end dates of the resource assignment.
  8. In ETC HOURS, enter the planned hours for the assignment.

    If you are not ready to enter planned hours, leave this field blank. You can enter hours in the Resource View grid later.

  9. If you consider the planned hours hard booked, select the HARD BOOK check box.

    This check box is only available if Deltek CRM is configured to use soft and hard booking and if you have the required security access to hard book assignments.

  10. To assign work on other WBS elements for the selected project or opportunity, repeat steps 6 - 10.
  11. To add all of the new assignments to the plan, click Add.