Custom Search Dialog Box for Resources

If the standard searches for locating and selecting resources (All Resources, All Employees, Generic Resources, Employees I Supervise, Resources in My Organization) are not satisfactory, use the Custom Search dialog box to create a custom search. When you create a custom search, you have the option to save it so you can use it in the future without having to specify the search parameters again.

A saved search is a saved set of filters that you use to display a selected group of resources in the search list. Saved searches help you quickly locate and select the resources that you want to work with. Deltek CRM provides a set of standard saved searches, but you can add other custom searches.

A saved search is only available to the person who saves it. It is not available to other users.


To display the Custom Search dialog box in the Reporting area, complete the following steps:
  1. In the Resource Planning workspace, click to go to the Reporting area.
  2. If the report that displays by default is not the report you want to do a custom search for, do either of the following:
    • To display the standard Resources report, click the currently displayed standard report name above the upper-left corner of the report and select Resources.
    • To display a saved report, use the Find saved report field at the top of the Reporting area to select the report.
  3. Click the currently displayed search name at the left end of the search field. The search name is located in the upper-left corner of the Reporting area.
  4. Do one of the following on the drop-down list:
    • To create a new custom search, click Custom at the bottom of the list.
    • To make changes to an existing custom search, click next to that custom search.


Field Description

If you want to save the custom search so you can use it again in the future, enter a name for it in SEARCH NAME.

If you do not want to save the search, do not enter a name.

Search fields Use the other fields on the dialog box to enter search values to further restrict the list of resources that the search returns. The following describe the types of fields:
  • Date fields: Select from a list of predefined time periods based on the current date (for example, Last Week, Last Month, Next 3 Months, and so on).
  • Drop-down fields: Select one or more values for the search. For example, you could search for resources with any of three labor categories that you select in LABOR CATEGORY. You must select the values one at a time, but you can select as many as you want. In some drop-down fields, you can also type one character in the field and then select the STARTS WITH option at the top of the drop-down list to search for any resources that have a value in that field that starts with that character, or you can type two or more characters in the field and then select the CONTAINS option at the top of the drop-down list to search for any resources that have a value in that field that contains those characters.
  • Number fields: Specify a range by entering a minimum value, maximum value, or both.
  • Currency fields: Specify a range by entering a minimum amount, maximum amount, or both.
  • Text fields: Enter one or more characters in the field to search for any resources that have a value in that field that contains those characters.
  • Memo fields: Enter one or more characters in the field to search for any resources that have a value in that field that contains those characters.
  • Check boxes: Select Yes to search for resources for which that check box is selected. Select No to search for resources for which that check box is not selected. (Select the blank option if you do not want to include that check box as one of the search parameters.)
+ Add Field

Deltek CRM provides a default set of resource fields on this dialog box. However, if you need to filter the resource search based on values in other fields, you can add them to the dialog box. To add a field, click + Add Field at the bottom of the dialog box, click SELECT FIELD, and click the field in the drop-down list of available fields.

You can also delete fields from the dialog box that you never expect to use. SEARCH NAME and SELECT RESOURCES are the only fields you cannot delete. To delete a field, hover over the field and click to the right of the field name.

When you add or remove fields and click Save or Apply, that new set of fields becomes the default set for any new searches you create. The changes do not affect the fields that are available when you edit an existing saved search that used a different set of fields.

Adding or removing fields in this dialog box only affects the fields displayed for your custom searches. It does not affect other Deltek CRM users.

x Clear All If you enter search parameters and then decide you want to clear all of them and start over, click x Clear All at the bottom of the dialog box. Deltek CRM removes entries from all fields except SEARCH NAME.
Save, Apply, and Cancel

To save the search so you can use it again in the future and then perform the search, click Save.

To perform the search without saving it, click Apply. If the results are not what you want, display the search drop-down list, click Custom again, and make the necessary changes to the search parameters. Though you did not save the search, Deltek CRM preserves the latest settings until you leave the Resource Planning workspace.

To close the dialog box without saving or applying the search, click Cancel.