Sort Resources in the Project View Grid

Use the Column Settings & Selections dialog box to select a sorting option for resources in the Project View grid.

To specify how you want resources sorted in the Project View grid, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Resource Planning workspace, click to go to the Project View.
  2. Click next to the upper-right corner of the grid.
  3. In SORT RESOURCES BY, click and do one of the following:
    • To sort resources by resource name, select Name. Employees are sorted by their full name (preferred or first name plus last name). If the resources include both employees and generic resources, employees are displayed first, followed by the generic resources.
    • To sort resources by assignment start date, select Assignment Start. If multiple resources have the same assignment start date, they are sorted as described above for the Name option.
  4. Click Apply to close the dialog box and update the grid.