Actions and Required Role Settings for the Resource Planning Workspace

The menu access, rights, and records access specified for an employee's security role determine the parts of Resource Planning they have access to, the planning records they have access to, and the actions they can perform.

These tables summarize the common user actions in the Resource Planning workspace, the level of access they require, and the applicable security role settings.

Resource View

Required menu access: Resource View

Action Required Access Record Access and Rights
Search for and select employees Selection lists and search results are limited to employees that the user can view. Employee Assignments: Records Can View
Search for and select generic resources Selection lists and search results are limited to generic resources that the user can view. Generic Assignments: Records Can View
Add assignments for an employee

Add rights for employee assignments and update access to the employee.

Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan.

Employee Assignments: Can Add, Records Can Update

Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Add assignments for a generic resource

Add rights for generic assignments and update access to the generic resource.

Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan.

Generic Assignments: Can Add, Records Can Update

Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Enter or edit hours for an assignment Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update
Delete an assignment Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update
Reassign an assignment

Add rights for employee and generic assignments and update access to the resources involved.

Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan.

Employee Assignments: Can Add, Records Can Update

Generic Assignments: Can Add, Records Can Update

Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Reschedule an assignment Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Hard book an assignment

(Resource Planning must be configured to use the soft and hard booking feature.)

Modify rights for project plans, update access to the plan, and hard booking authorization. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update, Can Hard Book

Project View

Required menu access: Project View

Action Required Access Record Access and Rights
Search for and select a project Selection lists and search results are limited to project plans that the user can view. Project Plans: Records Can View
Add employee assignment for a project plan

Add rights for employee assignments and update access to the employee.

Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan.

Employee Assignments: Can Add, Records Can Update

Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Add generic assignments for a project plan

Add rights for generic assignments and update access to the generic resource.

Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan.

Generic Assignments: Can Add, Records Can Update

Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Enter or edit hours for an assignment Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update
Enter a note for a WBS row Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update
Delete an assignment Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update
Reassign an assignment

Add rights for employee and generic assignments and update access to the resources involved.

Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan.

Employee Assignments: Can Add, Records Can Update

Generic Assignments: Can Add, Records Can Update

Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Reschedule an assignment Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Hard book an assignment

(Resource Planning must be configured to use the soft and hard booking feature.)

Modify rights for project plans, update access to the plan, and hard booking authorization. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update, Can Hard Book

Opportunities (Resource Planning Workspace): Resource Planning Module Activated; CRM Module Not Activated

Required menu access: Project View and Opportunities

Action Required Access Record Access and Rights
Search for and select an opportunity Selection lists and search results are limited to opportunities that the user can view. Opportunities: Records Can View
Add an opportunity Add rights for opportunities. Opportunities: Add or Full
Add a client (when entering a client for an opportunity) Add rights for clients Clients: Add or Full
Select a client (when entering a client for an opportunity) Selection list is limited to clients that the user can view Clients: Records Can View
Edit opportunity non-structure information Modify rights for opportunities and update access to the opportunity. Opportunities: Modify, Add, or Full; Records Can Update
Create or edit an opportunity structure Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update
Copy an opportunity structure

Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan to which you are copying the structure.

View access to the plan from which you are copying the structure

Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Project Plans: Records Can View

Add, change, or delete an assignment for an opportunity plan Same as for a project plan. Refer to the Project View table above. Same as for a project plan. Refer to the Project View table above.

Delete an opportunity

(Any assignments for the opportunity plan must be deleted before the opportunity can be deleted.)

Full rights for opportunities and update access to the opportunity to be deleted. Opportunities: Full, Records Can Update

Opportunities (Resource Planning Workspace): Resource Planning and CRM Modules Activated

Required menu access: Project View and Opportunities (under Resource Planning)

Action Required Access Record Access and Rights
Search for and select an opportunity Selection lists and search results are limited to opportunities that the user can view. Opportunities: Records Can View
Create or edit an opportunity structure Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan. Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update
Copy an opportunity structure

Modify rights for project plans and update access to the plan to which you are copying the structure.

View access to the plan from which you are copying the structure

Project Plans: Can Modify, Records Can Update

Project Plans: Records Can View

Add, change, or delete an assignment for an opportunity plan Same as for a project plan. Refer to the Project View table above. Same as for a project plan. Refer to the Project View table above.

Opportunities (Business Development Workspace): Resource Planning and CRM Modules Activated

Required menu access: Opportunities (under Business Development) and Companies

Action Required Access Record Access and Rights
Search for and select an opportunity Selection lists and search results are limited to opportunities that the user can view. Opportunities: Records Can View
Add an opportunity Add rights for opportunities. Opportunities: Add or Full
Add a client (when entering a client for an opportunity) Add rights for companies Companies: Add or Full
Edit opportunity non-structure information Modify rights for opportunities and update access to the opportunity. Opportunities: Modify, Add, or Full; Records Can Update

Delete an opportunity

(Any assignments for the opportunity plan must be deleted before the opportunity can be deleted.)

Full rights for opportunities and update access to the opportunity to be deleted. Opportunities: Full, Records Can Update

Resource Planning Dashboard

Required menu access: Resource View, Project View, or Opportunities (Resource Planning)

Action Required Access Record Access and Rights
View generic resource assignments Generic resources displayed on the dashboard are limited to generic resources that the user can view.

Generic Assignments: Records Can View

Resource Planning Reports

Required menu access: Resource View and/or Project View

Action Required Access Record Access and Rights
View resource reports Resources on the reports are limited to employees and generic resources that the user can view.

Employee Assignments: Records Can View

Generic Assignments: Records Can View

View project reports Project plans on the reports are limited to the plans that the user can view. Project Plans: Records Can View

Employee Card

Required menu access: Resource View and/or Project View

Action Required Access Record Access and Rights
View all employee information on the Employee Card dialog box

View access to assignments for the employee.

If the user can see an employee in Project View but does not have view access to that employee's assignments, the Employee Card for that employee displays only minimal information on the Profile tab, and no other tabs display.

Employee Assignments: Records Can View

Note About Record Access for Project Plans

View and update record access for project plans is based on the project level (the top level) of the WBS for the plan. For example, if update access is based on the employee's organization, Resource Planning grants update access to the entire plan if the organization at the project level is assigned to the employee's organization, even though lower-level WBS elements are assigned to other organizations.