Report Options for Resource Planning

The Reporting area provides a number of options for selecting reports, selecting records included on the reports, selecting report columns, and saving reports for future use.


Field Description
Standard report selection list To select a standard report, click the name of the currently displayed standard report (Resources or Projects) located above the upper-left corner of the report. On the drop-down list, click the report you want.
Find saved report field To select a report that you have saved, do any of the following in the Find saved report field next to the Reporting area title:
  • To display a list of saved reports with names that begin with a specific single character, type the character in the field.
  • To display a list of saved reports with names that contain a specific sequence of two or more characters, type the characters in the field.
  • To display the full list of your saved reports, click at the end of the field.

If you have no saved reports, this field is not displayed.

Rename Report

To change the name of a saved report, select that report in the saved report search field and click Rename Report next to that field. In the Rename Report dialog box, enter the new name and click Save.

This option is only available if you select a saved report.

Delete Report

To delete a saved report, select that report in the saved report search field and click Delete Report to the right of that field. When the confirmation message displays, click Delete.

This option is only available if you select a saved report.

Click on the Reporting toolbar to save a new saved report or to save changes to an existing saved report. When you save a report, Deltek CRM saves the search, all filters, column selections, column order, grouping, and sorting that you have applied.
  • If the currently displayed report is one of the standard reports, the Save Report dialog box displays so you can give the saved report a name.
  • If the currently displayed report is another saved report, a menu displays. Click Save if you want to update the currently displayed saved report. Click Save As if you want to create a new saved report based on the currently displayed saved report. In the latter case, the Save Report dialog box displays so you can give the saved report a name.

To download the currently displayed report to your downloads folder, click on the toolbar in the upper-right corner of the Reporting area and click Download on the Download Report dialog box. You can continue working while the download process runs.

The downloaded report file is a .CSV file named report.csv.

Exception: If your browser is Safari, the report is not automatically saved in your downloads folder. It displays on a separate browser tab, and you can then save it using the file name and folder of your choice.

Search list On the drop-down search list to the right of the standard report name, do one of the following:
  • If the report is a version of the Projects report, click All Projects to include all projects.
  • If the report is a version of the Resources report:
    • Click All Resources to include all active employees and generic resources.
    • Click All Employees to include all active employees but exclude generic resources
    • Click Generic Resources to include active generic resources but not employees.
    • Click Employees I Supervise to include only active employees to whom you are linked as their supervisor.
    • Click Resources in My Organization to include only active employees and generic resources who are assigned to the same organization as you are.
  • To apply a custom search rather than one of the standard ones described above, click one of the saved custom searches listed below the standard ones, or click Custom to create a new custom search. In the Custom Search dialog box, you can select search values for selected fields in the records.

To see the search criteria for the currently selected custom search in a tooltip, hover over the search name if the search is saved, or over Custom if it is not saved. (Tablet users can tap Refine next to the search name or Custom to see the search criteria.)

Refine If you select Custom in the record selection list, apply a search, and, after displaying the report, decide you want to make some changes to the search, click Refine next to the custom search name to display the Custom Search dialog box again.
Forecast Range Click next to Forecast Range to display the Change Forecast Range dialog box and define the range of calendar period columns you want to display on the report. The following settings determine the forecast range:
  • Scale: Indicate whether the calendar period columns represent days, weeks, or months.
  • Duration: Select the number of calendar period columns in the range. The options vary depending on the scale you select. For example, if you select Weeks in SCALE and 8 in DURATION, the report displays eight columns, each containing planning data for a week.
  • Start date, week, or month: Select the first day, week or month in the forecast range. Unlike for the forecast range for Resource View, the starting period for a report can be prior to the JTD date.

If calendar periods are not already displayed, click above the upper-right corner of the report, select Forecast Range in AVAILABLE COLUMNS in the Report Settings dialog box, and move it to SELECTED COLUMNS.

Clear all filters This option displays above the upper-right corner of a report when you apply a search or one or more filters to the report. If you want to clear those and start over with the default report (with only the All Resources or All Projects search applied), click Clear all filters. If you are viewing a saved report and click Clear all filters, the default report for the area is displayed instead of the saved report.
Click above the upper-right corner of the report to apply filters based on values in report columns.

Column filters are applied to the records currently selected by the standard or custom search you have applied. In other words, only records that satisfy both the search and the filters display on the report. If you specify column filters and then select a different saved report, all column filters are discarded, and the column filters for the newly selected report, if any, are applied.

You can only use column filters for columns that you have selected to display on the report. When you click , a row of filter fields displays below the column headings:

To apply a filter for a column, do the following in the filter field for that column:
  • For a text or lookup column, type one or more characters to display only rows with values in that column that include those characters.
  • For a numeric or currency column, click the shaded area of the filter field (), select a mathematical relationship (for example, greater or equal), and enter a numeric value to display only rows with values in that column that satisfy that relationship.
  • For a date column, enter or select a date to display only rows with a matching date in that column. Click the shaded area of the filter field (), select a relationship, and enter or select a date to display only rows with dates that satisfy that relationship. For example, select greater or equal to display only rows with a date that is the same or later than the date you enter in the filter field.
  • For a column associated with a drop-down list of values, click the field and select a value from the list to display only rows with that value in that column.
  • For a check box column, click the field to select Yes (checked) or No (not checked) to display only rows with that check box value in that column.

To hide the filter fields, click again. The filters are still active when the fields are hidden, and displays at the right side of each column heading area as a reminder that the report is filtered based on those columns.

Click above the upper-right corner of the report to display the Report Settings dialog box. In that dialog box, you can select a field to group by, select the columns that display on the report, and change the order of the columns. For a resource report, you can also indicate whether or not you want to include project rows on the report, and for a project report, whether or not to include resource rows.