Project Assignments Import Fields

After you import your employees and projects, you can import resource assignments for those employees and projects into the Deltek CRM database.

You cannot import employee resource assignments for opportunities, and you cannot import generic resource assignments for either project or opportunities. Use the Resource View or Project View in Deltek CRM to enter those assignments.

Soft and Hard Booking

All imported assignments are soft booked by default. If you have turned on soft and hard booking in Configuration, you can change the booking status for assignments after they are imported.


Field Description/Notes

Employee Number

Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar


Employee number of the employee for whom you are importing planned hours. An employee with a matching employee number must already exist in Deltek CRM. If this field is blank or the employee number does not exist, the record is not imported and an error message displays.

Project ID

Size: 255 characters

Type: Varchar


Full WBS element ID for the element for which you are assigning the employee's planned hours.

A WBS element with a matching ID must already exist in Deltek CRM. In addition, the WBS element must be at the lowest level of its branch of the WBS in Deltek CRM; you can only enter planned resource hours for the lowest-level elements. If this field is blank or the ID does not exist or it is not at the lowest level, the record is not imported and an error message displays.

For example, if your WBS has two levels, Project and Phase, and you use periods as delimiters between levels, this field should contain 10100.20 when you import planned hours for project 10100 and phase 20.

Assignment Start Date

Type: Datetime

The beginning date of the date range for which you are importing planned hours. If this field is blank, the import process sets it to the date in Assignment End Date.

These dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format or in the date format that is specified in the My Settings dialog box in Deltek CRM at the time you run the import process.

If the import file contains two or more records for the same employee and project, and if those records have overlapping assignment date ranges, the import process combines those individual assignments into one project assignment in Deltek CRM. That combined assignment has the earliest assignment start date and latest assignment end date from the individual assignments, and its planned hours are the sum of the planned hours from the individual assignments.

If an assignment has a start date that is earlier than one or more of the related plan start dates in Deltek CRM, those plan start dates are changed to include that assignment start date.

Assignment End Date

Type: Datetime


The ending date of the date range for which you are importing planned hours. If this field is blank or contains an invalid date, the record is not imported and an error message displays.

These dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format or in the date format that is specified in the My Settings dialog box in Deltek CRM at the time you run the import process.

If the import file contains two or more records for the same employee and project, and if those records have overlapping assignment date ranges, the import process combines those individual assignments into one assignment in Deltek CRM. That combined assignment has the earliest assignment start date and latest assignment end date from the individual assignments, and its planned hours are the sum of the planned hours from the individual assignments.

If an assignment has an end date that is later than one or more of the related plan end dates in Deltek CRM, those plan end dates are changed to include that assignment end date.

Planned Hours

Size: 10 digits, with up to 4 decimal digits

Type: Decimal

The number of hours you expect the employee to work on the WBS element during the assignment date range.