Import Project Information from a .CSV File

To import projects into Deltek CRM from a .CSV (comma-separated values) file, click Project Information on the Imports tab in the Integrations & Imports area of the Configuration workspace.

The option to import projects is only available if you activated the Resource Planning module.

  • Before you start this procedure, you must generate a .CSV file containing the project information that you want to import. A common practice is to download project information to Microsoft® Excel® and save the spreadsheet as a .CSV file.
  • Tablets and other devices that use the iOS operating system cannot upload files through the browser. As a result, you must run the import process using a different device, such as a laptop or an Android tablet. If you are using an iOS device, the import option is disabled on the Imports tab in the Integrations & Imports area.
To import projects into Deltek CRM from a .CSV file, complete the following steps:
  1. In the Configuration workspace, click on the left edge of the Deltek CRM page to go to the Integrations & Imports area.
  2. Click the Imports tab.
  3. Click Project Information.
  4. On the Import Projects From CSV dialog box, click Browse, navigate to and select the .CSV file, and click Open.
  5. Click Next. The Import Projects From CSV dialog box displays a list of fields from your .CSV file and a default mapping to project fields in Deltek CRM. If Do not import displays in DELTEK FIELD, Deltek CRM was unable to determine how to map that .CSV field.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • Select Do not import duplicate records if you do not want to import any information for a project record that already exists in Deltek CRM.
    • Select Update duplicate records if you want the import process to update an existing project record if a field in that record is blank or contains information that is different from information in the mapped field in the .CSV file.
  7. Review the default field mappings to verify that all fields in the .CSV file are mapped to the correct field in Deltek CRM. If a default mapping is incorrect, click in DELTEK FIELD on that grid row and select the correct field. If Do not import displays in DELTEK FIELD and you want to import the data in that .CSV field, click in DELTEK FIELD and select the correct field. If the .CSV file contains fields that you do not want to import into Deltek CRM, make sure that DELTEK FIELD contains Do not import for those fields. The import process only imports data from fields that you map to a Deltek field.
  8. To start the import process, click Import.

    If any of the imported project records include a client that does not yet exist in Deltek CRM, a list of those clients displays on the New Client Records dialog box. Review the list and clear the check boxes for any clients that you do not want the import process to create. Click Add Selected Records to start the import process.

    Depending on the number of records to be imported, the import process can take a while. You can continue working in Deltek CRM while you wait for it to finish.

    The import process does the following:
    • It adds records for projects that do not exist in Deltek CRM.
    • If you selected Update duplicate records, it updates mapped fields in Deltek CRM based on the information in the .CSV file for any projects that already exist in Deltek CRM.
    • It adds records for any new clients that you selected on the New Client Records dialog box.