Delete an Opportunity

If an opportunity is created by mistake or for some other reason you want to completely remove an opportunity, you can delete it.

If your firm activated the Resource Planning module and the opportunity has resource assignments, deleting the opportunity also deletes the resource plan and all resource assignments for the opportunity.

If your firm has not activated the CRM module, you can delete opportunities in the Opportunities area of the Resource Planning workspace.

If you created a valid opportunity but are no longer pursuing it, you should close it rather than deleting it. Closing an opportunity does not remove it from the database, but it is no longer included in the opportunity selection lists, and you can no longer edit any of the information related to it.

To delete an opportunity, complete the following steps:
  1. In the Business Development workspace, click to go to the Opportunities area.
  2. Use the Find opportunity field immediately above the opportunity title to select the opportunity that you want to delete.
  3. Click on the Opportunities toolbar.
  4. Click Delete Opportunity in the upper-right corner of the Edit Opportunity form.
  5. When the confirmation message displays, click Delete.

    If resource assignments exist for the opportunity, the confirmation message includes a link that you can click to review the resource assignments in Project View before deleting the opportunity. Project View displays on a separate browser tab.