Add/Edit Opportunity Form

Use the Add Opportunity form to add a new opportunity. Use the Edit Opportunity form to make changes or additions to information for existing opportunities. The two forms contain the same sets of fields.

Alternative: If you previously maintained your opportunity information in another CRM application from which you can export data to a .CSV (comma-separated values) file, you can add your opportunities more efficiently by importing them from a .CSV file rather than entering them one by one using the Add Opportunity form. Your system administrator can run the import process using the Import Opportunities from CSV link in the Integrations & Imports area of the Configuration workspace.

Location: Add Opportunity Form

To display the Add Opportunity form, complete the following steps:

  1. Click to go to the Opportunities area.
  2. Click + Add Opportunity next to the Find opportunity field.

    This option is only available if you have the access rights that are required to add opportunities.

Location: Edit Opportunity Form

To display the Edit Opportunity form, complete the following steps:
  1. Click to go to the Opportunities area.
  2. Use the Find opportunity field immediately above the opportunity title to select the opportunity that you want to edit.
  3. Click on the Opportunities toolbar.


Field Description
Click this icon on the toolbar to save your entries.
Click this icon on the toolbar to discard your unsaved entries.
Create Kona Space

When you add an opportunity, select Create Kona Space to create a new Kona Business space for the opportunity and link the opportunity to that space. (If you are not currently connected to Kona in the My Settings dialog box, you are asked to enter your Kona credentials.)

When you create a Kona space for an opportunity, you are assigned as the Kona space owner, and the name you enter for the opportunity is used as the space name. All employees that you select as stakeholders on this page and who have email addresses are automatically invited to join the space. The Kona space displays on the Collaboration tab, and you can work in the space without leaving Deltek CRM to go to Kona Business.

This option is only available if your firm has implemented integration with Kona Business and you are a member of that Kona Business account. Also, this option is not available on the Edit Opportunity page. To associate an opportunity with a Kona space after you have added the opportunity, use the Associate Kona Space option on the Collaboration tab.

Delete Opportunity

To delete a previously saved opportunity, display it in the Edit Opportunity form and click Delete Opportunity in the upper-right corner of the form.

This option is only available on the Edit Opportunity form. If you are adding a new opportunity and decide you want to discard the opportunity without saving it, click on the Add Opportunity toolbar.


Field Description

If you assign IDs to your opportunities, enter the ID for the opportunity in this field.

NAME Enter the name of the opportunity. The maximum length is 255 characters.
Import From GovWin IQ

Click this link to add one or more opportunities by importing them from GovWin IQ. This link displays the GovWin IQ Opportunities dialog box. Use that dialog box to locate and select the GovWin IQ opportunities that you want to import. After the imported data is displayed, you can make changes to it, if necessary, and make entries in fields that the import left blank.

When you import opportunities, the process attempts to determine if the primary clients and the competitors associated with the opportunities already exist in Deltek CRM as companies. If that search fails for one or more companies, you are given the option to have the import process create some or all of those companies. Similarly, if the import process cannot verify that some contacts associated with the opportunities already exist in the Contacts area of Deltek CRM, you are given the option to create some or all of those contacts.

This import option is only available if all of the following are true:
  • Your firm has a GovWin IQ account.
  • You have credentials for accessing GovWin IQ.
  • GovWin IQ integration has been implemented for Deltek CRM.
  • You are adding an opportunity. The import option is not available on the Edit Opportunity form.

You must also be connected to GovWin IQ in the My Settings dialog box. If you are not connected, a login dialog box displays when you click Import From GovWin IQ so you can enter your GovWin IQ credentials.


If the opportunity was added by importing an opportunity from GovWin IQ, this field displays the opportunity ID and name from GovWin IQ. This field is only available on the Edit Opportunity form and only if the opportunity was added by importing an opportunity from GovWin IQ.

To display the GovWin IQ Opportunities dialog box and select a different GovWin IQ opportunity, click in this field . However, doing so only updates this field. No other information is imported from GovWin IQ for the opportunity.

DESCRIPTION Enter a description of the opportunity. Click to display toolbars that provide editing and formatting options:
  • Bold, italic, underline, strikethrough
  • Numbered lists
  • Bulleted lists
  • Text indent, alignment, and direction
  • Formatting styles
  • Paragraph formats
  • Font types and sizes
  • Text color and background color
  • Paste as plain text
REVENUE Enter the total estimated revenue, in US dollars, that you expect to earn if the opportunity results in an awarded contract.
PROBABILITY Click to select the probability of winning the contract (expressed as a percentage).
WEIGHTED REVENUE This field displays a weighted revenue amount based on your entries in REVENUE and PROBABILITY: Weighted revenue = Revenue x Probability.

Select the type of opportunity (for example, Laboratories, Medical Facilities, Office Buildings).

Type one or more characters from the opportunity type to select from a list of types that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of opportunity types.


Select the opportunity status: Active or Inactive.

Inactive opportunities are excluded from opportunity selection lists. When you close an opportunity, Deltek CRM automatically sets the status to Inactive.

When you select Inactive for an opportunity that has resource assignments, a message displays that recommends that you either move those assignments to the project, if you were awarded the contract, or delete the assignments. That message includes a link that displays the opportunity's resource plan in Project View in the Resource Planning workspace so you can move or delete the assignments.


Select the pipeline stage to which the opportunity is currently assigned (for example, Lead, Proposal, Awarded, Lost). If you select a stage that is designated as a stage for closed opportunities, the Close Opportunity dialog box displays so you can enter other information related to closing the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the stage to select from a list of stages that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of stages.


Select your firm's responsibility or role for the opportunity (for example, Prime, Subcontractor, Unknown).

Type one or more characters from the responsibility to select from a list of responsibilities that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of responsibilities.


Select the source of the opportunity (for example, Client Contacts, Marketing Campaign, GovWin IQ).

Type one or more characters from the source to select from a list of sources that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of sources.

OPENED Enter the date on which you identified the opportunity and began pursuing the job, or click and select it on the calendar.

This field displays the number of days that the opportunity has been open. For an open opportunity, that is the number of days between the open date in OPENED and the current date. For a closed opportunity, it is the number of days between the open date in OPENED and the date it was closed.

This field displays on the Edit Opportunity form but not on the Add Opportunity form.


Field Description

If you are using organizations, select the organization within your company that is responsible for the opportunity.

To select the organization, do one of the following:

  • To select from a list of organizations with names that contain a specific sequence of characters, type the characters in this field and pause.
  • To specify the organization by selecting the values for each of the organization levels, click in this field to display the Edit Organization dialog box. In the grid on that dialog box, select the code you want from the list for the first organization level. The grid then displays the list of codes for the next lower level. Continue selecting codes until you have selected all codes that make up the organization. (You can also use the field above the grid on the Edit Organization dialog box to search for the organization by typing one or more characters from the organization name.)

To remove the organization without selecting a replacement, click in the field and click Remove Organization on the Edit Organization dialog box.


Select the primary client for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the client's company name to select from a list of companies whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of companies. If the company has not yet been added in Deltek CRM, you can click + New Company at the bottom of the selection list to display the Add Company form and add the company.

If you have selected a primary contact, this field automatically displays the company associated with that contact.


Select the primary client contact for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the contact's name (first, middle, last, or preferred names) to select from a list of contacts whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of contacts. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.) If the contact has not yet been added in Deltek CRM, you can click + New Contact at the bottom of the selection list to display the Add Contact form and add the contact.

If you have selected a primary client, the list only includes contacts associated with that company.

When you save the opportunity, the contact is also added to the Team Members grid on the Team tab and assigned the Owner role.


Select the employee who is the project manager for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the employee name to select from a list of employees whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of employees. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)

When you save the opportunity, the employee you select is also added to the Team Members grid on the Team tab and assigned the Project Manager role.


Select the employee who is the principal for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the employee name to select from a list of employees whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of employees. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)

When you save the opportunity, the employee you select is also added to the Team Members grid on the Team tab and assigned the Principal role.


Select the employee who is the supervisor for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the employee name to select from a list of employees whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of employees. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)

When you save the opportunity, the employee you select is also added to the Team Members grid on the Team tab and assigned the Supervisor role.

MARKETING COORDINATOR Select the employee who is the marketing coordinator for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the employee name to select from a list of employees whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of employees. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)

When you save the opportunity, the employee you select is also added to the Team Members grid on the Team tab and assigned the Project ManagerMarketing Coordinator role.

PROPOSAL MANAGER Select the employee who is the proposal manager for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the employee name to select from a list of employees whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of employees. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)

When you save the opportunity, the employee you select is also added to the Team Members grid on the Team tab and assigned the PrincipalProposal Manager role.

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LEAD Select the employee who is the business development lead for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the employee name to select from a list of employees whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of employees. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)

When you save the opportunity, the employee you select is also added to the Team Members grid on the Team tab and assigned the Business Development Lead role.


Field Description

Enter the street address or other address information for the location associated with the opportunity.

Click + Add Address Line below the field if you need an additional address field. You can have up to three lines of address information.

CITY Enter the city for the location associated with the opportunity.

Select the state or province for the location associated with the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the state or province to select from a list of states or provinces that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of states or provinces.

If the drop-down list is empty, make sure the correct country is selected in COUNTRY. If it is, then no states or provinces have been defined for the country.

ZIP Enter the ZIP code or other postal code for the location associated with the opportunity.

Select the country for the location associated with the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the country to select from a list of countries that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of countries.


If applicable, select or enter the name of the county for the location associated with the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from the county name to select from a list of names that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of counties.

If the county you need is not listed, you can type the county name in this field instead of selecting it. Be aware, however, that your entry is not automatically added to the standard list of counties. If you think it should be on the list, ask your system administrator to add it.

Procurement Details

The fields under Procurement Details only display if Enable Government Contracting is selected in the General area of the Configuration workspace.

Field Description

Select the award type for the opportunity (for example, IDIQ - GWAC, IDIQ - Agency Specific, BPA).

Type one or more characters from the award type to select from a list of types that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of award types.

DURATION Enter a description of the total expected duration of the contract (for example, 1 year base plus 4 x 1 year option).

If the opportunity is work that your firm is competing for under an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract (IDIQ) or similar "master" contract, select that master contract.

Type one or more characters from the master contract to select from a list of master contracts that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of master contracts.


Select the contract type for the opportunity (for example, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Time and Materials).

Type one or more characters from the contract type to select from a list of types that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of contract types.


Select the competition type for the opportunity (for example, GSA Schedules or Woman Owned Set-Aside).

Type one or more characters from the competition type to select from a list of types that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of competition types.

SOLICITATION # Enter the request for proposal (RFP) number for the opportunity.

Select the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the opportunity.

Type one or more characters from either the code or the code description to select from a list of codes that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of NAICS codes.

More Information

If your firm adds custom fields (fields that are not in the standard version of Deltek CRM) to the Overview tab in the Opportunities area, those fields display under More Information. As with standard fields, you must make entries in any required custom fields.