View and Update Touchpoints for a Contact

Use the Touchpoints tab in the Contacts area to view and update the touchpoints (simple activities such as meetings or phone calls) for a contact.

The grid on this tab displays the touchpoints that are currently associated with the contact. You can edit touchpoint information, and you can add new touchpoints for the contact. (You can also add a touchpoint for a contact by clicking on the Contacts toolbar.)

If custom fields are defined for this tab on the Fields & Tabs tab in the Customization area of the Configuration workspace, those fields display below the touchpoints grid. As with standard fields, you must make entries in any required custom fields.

To view and update touchpoints for a contact, complete the following steps:
  1. Click on the left edge of Deltek CRM to go to the Contacts area.
  2. Use the search field immediately above the contact name to select the contact.
  3. Click the Touchpoints tab.
  4. To add a touchpoint, click + Add Touchpoint below the grid.
  5. To enter or change a touchpoint date, enter the date in DATE, or click and select the date on the calendar.
  6. To associate a touchpoint with an opportunity, specify the opportunity in OPPORTUNITY.
    • To search for and display a list of opportunities with titles that contain a specific sequence of characters, type the characters in the field and pause.
    • To display the full list, click at the end of the field.
    • If the opportunity has not yet been added in Deltek CRM, you can click + New Opportunity at the bottom of the selection list to display the Add Opportunity form and add the opportunity.
  7. In NOTE, enter any additional information for the touchpoint.

    Click in NOTE if you want to apply special formatting (bold, color, and so on) to the note or if you want to display the complete text of a longer note.

  8. If the touchpoint is associated with an opportunity for which a Kona space has been created, you are a member of that space, and you want to create a task in Kona related to the touchpoint, do the following:
    1. Click near the end of the row to open the Create Kona Task dialog box. (If you receive a message indicating that you must save the touchpoint before you can create a task for it, click anywhere outside the touchpoint's grid row to save it, and then click .)
    2. In TASK NAME, enter a name or description for the task.
    3. In ASSIGNEE, specify the person to whom you want to assign the task. To display the full list of space members, click in the field. To search for and display a list of space members with names (first, middle, last, or preferred names) that contain a specific sequence of characters, type the characters in the field and pause.
    4. If there is a date by which the task should be completed, either enter the date in DUE DATE, or click in the field and select the date on the calendar.
    5. Click Create.

    If a Kona task has already been created for the touchpoint, click to display a tooltip containing the task name, who it is assigned to, and the due date. You can also click the task name in the tooltip to open Kona and go to the task.