Configuration: Customization: Fields & Tabs Tab

If your firm needs to track data other than those included as standard fields in Deltek CRM, use the Fields & Tabs tab in the Customization area of the Configuration workspace to define those fields and add them to one of the standard tabs or to a custom tab that your firm has added. The fields display on the tabs in the order that they are added on this tab. Use the Fields & Tabs tab also if you want to add your own tabs.

You can add custom fields to all tabs in the Opportunities, Companies, and Contacts areas, with the exception of the Collaboration tab in Opportunities. You can also add your own tabs in those three areas.

After you add custom fields, you must log out and log back in to see the fields on the tabs to which you added them. The same is true if you add tabs.


Field Description
Area selection field Click in the first field above the grid and select the area (Opportunities, Companies, or Contacts) in which you want to add a custom field or to which you want to add a tab. The grid displays a list of the custom fields that currently exist in the selected area.
Custom fields search field If the list in the grid is long and you want to locate a particular custom field, type one or more characters from the field label in the second field above the grid. That filters the list so that it only displays a list of custom fields with labels that contain those characters. To restore the full list for the selected area, click X at the end of the search field.
Manage Tabs To add a tab to the selected area or to rename, reorder, or delete tabs in the area, click Manage Tabs at the top of the TAB grid column. In the Manage Tabs dialog box, do one or more of the following:
  • To add a new tab, click + Add Tab at the bottom of the tab list and enter a name for the tab.
  • To rename a tab, click the tab's row and enter the new name in the edit field.
  • To move a tab to a different location in the tab sequence, hover over or click the tab's row, and click and drag at the end of the row to move the row up or down.
  • To delete a tab, hover over or click the tab's row, and click . (You can delete custom tabs that your firm has added, but you cannot delete standard tabs. Before you can delete a custom tab, however, you must remove all fields from that tab.)
To add a new custom field or to edit or delete an existing one, click on the Custom Fields toolbar to put the tab in edit mode, and do one of the following:
  • To add a new field, click + Add Custom Field to display a blank grid row.
  • To edit an existing field, click the custom field's row in the grid and make your changes.
  • To delete an existing fields, hover over the grid row and click X at the end of the row.
If you add, change, or delete custom fields, click on the Custom Fields toolbar to save your entries.

This option is only available after you click to put the tab in edit mode.

After you save, you must log out and log back in to see the additions or changes to custom fields reflected elsewhere in Deltek CRM.

If you add, change, or delete custom fields and do not want to save your work, click on the Custom Fields toolbar to discard the entries you made since you last saved.

This option is only available after you click to put the tab in edit mode.

TAB Click in this field and select the tab on which you want to display the custom field. The selection list contains the tabs for the area you selected.
LABEL Enter the label you want to display next to the custom field.
TYPE (SETTINGS) Click in this field and select the type of custom field you want to add (for example, Number or Employee Lookup).

If entries in the custom field should always be an employee, contact, or company that has been set up in Deltek CRM, select the corresponding lookup type (Employee Lookup, for example) for the field, not Character.

There is no separate field type for currency amounts. To add a custom field that contains currency amounts, select Number in TYPE (SETTINGS).

Note: Once you save a custom field, you cannot change its type. If you need to change the type of a saved custom field, delete the field and add it again with the correct type.

If the type you select for a new custom field has settings that you can specify, the Settings dialog box displays automatically. (If you later need to change the settings, click in TYPE (SETTINGS) and then click in that field.)

Settings for Checkbox Fields

Checkbox fields display on the tabs as drop-down fields with Yes (checked) or No (unchecked) as the options.

DEFAULT Select the default state of the check box: Checked or Unchecked. (These states are displayed as Yes or No on the data entry tabs and screens.)

Settings for Date Fields


If you want the field to be blank by default, select None.

If you want the default date to be the date on which the record is being added, select Current Date.

Settings for Drop-down Fields

+ Add Value Click + Add Value to create a blank row in the grid so you can specify one of the values that a user can select in the drop-down field. You can enter the values in any order when you set up a drop-down field, but they are sorted alphabetically when a user displays the list to make a selection.
VALUE Enter the value that displays in the drop-down list.
DEFAULT Select this check box if you want the value to be selected by default for new records. Users can still select a different value.

Settings for Number Fields

DECIMAL PLACES Click in this field and select the number of decimal digits that values in the field have. Number fields can have up to 5 decimal digits.
MIN VALUE To require that values entered in the field are equal to or more than a minimum value, enter that minimum value in this field.
MAX VALUE To require that values entered in the field are less than or equal to a maximum value, enter that maximum value in this field.
REQUIRED Select this check box if the custom field is a required field.

This check box is disabled if you select Checkbox in TYPE (SETTINGS).

Custom fields display on the tab they are assigned to in the order they appear in this grid. If you want the new field to be in a different location in the tabbing sequence on its tab, hover over or click the row, and click and drag at the end of the row to move the row into the correct position relative to the rows for other custom fields on its tab.

Having rows assigned to different tabs intermingled in this grid does not affect how they appear on their assigned tab. However, to make it easier to locate and work with the custom fields in this grid, you may want to move rows to group them by assigned tab.

+ Custom Field To add a custom field, click + Custom Field below the grid to add a blank row, and enter the custom field information.

This option is only available after you click to put the tab in edit mode.