Select a Record to View or Edit

Use the field immediately above the opportunity, company, or contact name to locate and select the record that you want to view or edit.

The search list only includes records to which your security role gives you access.

To select a record to review or edit, complete the following steps:
  1. Click the area icon on the left side of the Deltek CRM page to go to the area in which the record was added.
  2. If the search name displayed at the left end of the search field is the one you want, click at the end of the field to display the list of records returned by the search.

    If the currently displayed search name is not the one you want, select a standard or custom search:

    • Click ACTIVE to select from a list of active records only.
    • Click ALL to select from a list of all records (both active and inactive).
    • Click MINE to select from a list of records for which you are a member of the team. (You are on the team if you are listed as a team member for the record on the Team tab.)
    • Click a previously saved custom search to display the records returned by that search.
    • Click Custom at the bottom of the list to create and save or apply a new custom search.
  3. To further restrict the list of records, do either of the following in the search field:
    • To display a list of records with names that begin with a specific single character, type the character in the field and pause.
    • To display a list of records with names that contain a specific sequence of two or more characters, type the characters in the field and pause.

    If you enter characters in the search field and then want to remove that search target, you can click at the end of the field to clear the field.

    • The number of records in the current search results displays at the right end of the search field.
  4. If necessary, scroll the list to locate the record you want.
  5. Click the record to display it.