Contents of the People in Key Positions Report

Use this report to view a list of employees marked as crucial to your organization.

Options to Filter Report Results

Select options to filter report results.

Field Description
Company Select the company to use as a filter. In some cases, after selecting a company, a Division, Location, and/or Department field also display. Select options for these fields to narrow results further.
Job Title Select or enter the type of job to include in report results.
Employee Enter all or part of an employee's name.
Status Select an FLSA Status for filtering, such as Exempt or Non-Exempt.

When finished selecting filter criteria, click Search to run the report.

Contents of the Report

This report shows the employees who have been deemed as Key Employees. Key employees are the people that ensure your organization is on track, meeting goals, and growing according to plan. The report shows the Location, Job Title, and Professional Development Guide for each key employee listed.


Field Description
Download as CSV Click this button to save a copy of the report in .CSV (comma-separated values) format.
Report Click this button to return to the previous Reports menu screen.