View Employee Goal Screen

View the details of an employee goal, such as the goal name, the score type and description.


Field Description
Employee The name of the employee associated with the goal.
Goal Name A name that clearly identifies the goal.
Goal Score Type An indication of how goal completion will be measured. Examples include No score and Percentage Complete.
Description A short description of the goal.
Appraisals If the goal is linked to an appraisal, the appraisal name displays. Click the name to open the appraisal.
Start Date The date progress toward goal completion begins.
Target Date The anticipated date of goal completion.
Related Goal If a goal has been linked to this goal, the goal name displays. You can click the goal name and select a different goal, or click Browse to select a goal to link.
Private Yes indicates the goal is visible only to the employee and, if the goal is attached to an appraisal, all parties involved in the appraisal process. No indicates the goal and description is visible to all employees with access to goals. Scores and ratings, however are always private.
View All Click this button at the top of the screen to return to the Employee Goals screen. Note that if you were directed to this screen from a Continuous Feedback session, clicking View All returns you to the Goals tab within the session, where you can view all goals related to the session.
Edit Click this button at the top of the screen to modify details of the goal.
More Options Click this button at the top of the screen to do one of the following: Change the Status, Retire the Goal, or Delete the Goal.