Summary Tab

Use fields to view or access basic information about the project, including the project purpose, and to perform actions like starting and ending the project.


Fields Description
Description This is the purpose of the project.
Project URL This is a hyperlink to an external project site.
Team Lead This is the name of the leader of the project.
Duration These are the start and end dates for the project.
Status A project’s status can be Pending (not yet started), Active (in progress) or Closed (already finished).
Project Skills These are the skills that employees should gain by participating in the project.
Project Competencies These are the competencies that employees should gain by participating in the project.
Next Milestone This is the upcoming milestone for the project.
Last Message Added Information displayed for the last message includes the sender, the author, the date sent, and the subject and content of the message.


Button Description
Start/End Project Click Start Project to activate the project.

Click End Project to deactivate the project. When you end the project, if Skills and Competencies are defined for the project, the user ending the project can assign these metrics to team members. See the "Ending a Project and Assigning Skills and Competencies." section for more information. When you finish this evaluation, the project’s Status changes to Closed.

Edit Project Click Edit Project to edit details about the project, such as the Project Name, Project URL, Description and Skill Categories.