Settings on the Personalization Screen

Set and manage personalization settings, such as calendar sharing and preferred language.


Setting Purpose
Share Calendar Select Yes or No to denote whether or not users can view your calendar when they want to share an event with you or add you to an event.

For this setting to work, the administrator must enable the Shared Calendar option in Administration > Features (Global Settings, System Administration).

If the setting is not enabled, the Share Calendar option does not appear in Personalization (Personalize System Settings).

Calendar Reminders Select the default delivery method for your calendar reminders: no reminder, an email reminder, or a pop-up message that displays when you log in. You can change this setting when you create a calendar reminder.
Date Format Select the format of dates in the Talent Management Suite: day first (31/12/2022) or month first (12/31/2022).
Name of Time Zone Select your preferred time zone. If you live in one time zone but work in another, you can choose which time zone is used for all time sensitive information.
Time Format Setting Name Select whether times display in 12-hour format (1:30 PM) or 24-hour format (13:30).


Setting Purpose
Default Pagination Range Select the number of results displayed in a table whenever a table is used to show details 10, 25, 50, or 100.
Distance Unit Select whether distances are shown in miles or kilometers.
Preferred Language Select the language in which the Talent Management user interface is displayed. Only those languages that have been installed by the Site Administrator will display as options.
Résumé Agents: Email Format Select the format in which you receive e-mail notifications with results from the résumé search agent: in HTML or plain text.

This setting displays only if your company uses the Applicant Tracking System.

Résumé Agents: Expiration Select the number of calendar days after which a résumé search agent will no longer send results: 7, 14, 21, or 28 days.

This setting displays only if your company uses the Applicant Tracking System.