Contents of the Reports Management Screen

View report details such as the name, type of report, and date created.

Column Description
ID This column displays the reference number assigned to the report by the system.
Report Type This column indicates the type of report
Module This column displays the module associated with the report.
Name This column displays the name of the report.

To modify the name, double-click it. The option to change the name is displayed with a Save and Cancel option.

Favorites Column

A solid gold star designates the report as a user favorite.

Up to ten reports can be designated as favorites. Any type of report that displays on the Reports Management screen can be saved as a favorite, including shared reports that belong to administrators.

To tag a report as a favorite:

  1. On the Reports Management reports table, mouse over the hollow black star icon in the row for the report you want to designate as a favorite. When your cursor is correctly positioned, the star's black outline turns gold .
  2. Click the star icon to select the report as a favorite. The star icon confirms your selection by turning solid gold and the report is saved to your list of favorites.

To remove a report from your list of favorites:

  1. Click the star icon for that report a second time.
  2. Following deselection, the star icon reverts to .

To access the Favorite Reports list:

  1. Take one of the following actions:
    • Click the Favorite Reports filter option on the View by Report Type drop-down list.
    • Click the button that displays for all View by Report Type filter selections with the exception of the Favorite Reports option.
Note: All types of reports (including regular, standard, and shared reports, as well as the user's own reports) display together when you select the All filter from the View by Report Type drop-down. Since reports of all types can be designated as favorites, they will also display together in the Favorite Reports list.
Description This column displays details about the report.

To modify the description, double-click it. The option to change the description is displayed with a Save and Cancel option.

Report Category This column displays the category source for the data contained in the report.
Created This column displays the date the report was created.
Schedule Last Run This column displays the date the report last ran.
Public This column indicates whether the report is visible to all other users in your company.
Note: Different columns display when viewing All, Shared, and Standard Reports report types. For All and Shared, there is a column to indicate the report owner.