Contents of the Equipment Screen

The Equipment screen displays the following columns and acitons.


Column Description
Name This is the name of the piece of equipment (for example, Overhead Projector).

Click the name to see the Equipment Profile screen, which provides additional information about the piece of equipment and shows any reservations that have been made for it.

Type You can set up general categories of equipment, called types, that help you organize your inventory. For example, you might have a Monitors type for all of your computer monitors, or a Laptop Accessories type for all mice, webcams, and docking stations.
Serial Number This is the serial number for the piece of equipment. The number is either the manufacturer’s serial number or a number that is generated by Deltek Talent Learning.
Building This is the name of the building in which the piece of equipment is located.

Click the name to see the View Building Details screen, which provides additional information about the building.

Room This is the name of the room in which the piece of equipment is located.

Click the name to see the Rooms screen, which provides more information about the rooms and the equipment in it, and lets you manage room reservations.

Contact This is the name of the employee who is in charge of the building. This is the person who can help with scheduling and resource issues.

Click the name to see the employee’s Total Talent Profile, including contact information.

Actions This column displays the actions that can be taken for each item in the table.


The buttons and icons on the Equipment screen perform the following functions.

Icon/Button Action Description
Add New Equipment Click this button to display the Add New Equipment screen, where you can add information about a new piece of equipment.
Add/Edit Equipment Type Click this button to add a new category of equipment or edit an existing one.
More Options > View All Rooms Click this button to see all of the rooms available for classroom learning across your organization.
Reserve Click this button to reserve a piece of equipment for yourself or another employee.
Edit Click this icon to change information about a piece of equipment.
Copy Click this icon to duplicate an existing item (for example, when you get a second piece of equipment exactly the same as the first one).

Enter the name and serial number of the new piece of equipment, and any other information that is different from the original.

Delete Click this icon to delete a piece of equipment from Deltek Talent Learning.

You cannot delete a piece of equipment if anyone has reserved it for future use.