Bulk Upload Users

Follow these steps to upload users in bulk.

To upload users (employees):

  1. On the Users screen, click Upload User File.
  2. Click the link to download the sample user file to your computer.

    If your company has licensed Core HR, a number of additional fields, such as soc_code, are included in the sample file. Customers not licensed for Core HR will have access to a sample file (.csv) that contains all but the Core HR specific fields.

  3. Open the file, and enter the user data.
    Be mindful of the following information:
    • The CSV will create, as well as update, users.
    • If you are creating new users, there are required fields in the file. If you are missing required fields, you will receive an error message and the row will not be added.
    • If you are updating users, only include the fields/columns that you are updating (do not include blank columns to avoid inadvertently deleting existing data). If you are missing required fields, you will receive an error message and the row will not be updated.
    • The best practice is to populate the CSV upload file with your top-level employees (that is, managers with direct reports) first to ensure that managers can be assigned to employees. Managers need to be in the system before they can be assigned to the employees as their manager. If the file cannot be populated in this sequence, you may need to upload the file multiple times to assign managers to employees. .
    • The file upload limit is maximum of 100 employees at a time.

    The first row in the spreadsheet is the row that determines where your data belongs in the database. The following list provides more details on some of the fields in the sample template:

    • user_login: Each user in the system requires a unique login. This field cannot contain an @ symbol.

    • user_firstname: First names can contain hyphens, accents, and can be two words (for example, Mary Jane). If you receive an error when attempting to upload a user with a special character in the first name, contact your Client Services Account Manager.

    • user_lastname: Last names can contain hyphens, accents, and can be two words (for example, Hyde White). If you receive an error when attempting to upload a user with a special character in the last name, contact your Client Services Account Manager.

    • user_email: Each user in the system requires a unique email address.

    • user_state: This is not a required field, but if it is completed, the value in the cell must match an existing state value for the country specified in the user_country field. If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • user_country: This is not a required field, but if it is completed, the value in the cell must match an existing country abbreviation as defined by an administrator in the Countries Drop Down & Multi Select List (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists > Countries). If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • user_location: This is not a required field, but if it is completed, the value in the cell must match an existing location name as defined by an administrator in the Locations screen (Admininstration > Global Settings > Your Organization > Locations) or an error will occur. If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • user_status: This is not a required field, but if it is completed, the value in the cell must match an existing user status (for example, Exempt, Non-Exempt) in the system or an error occurs. If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • user_org_level: The company value must match an existing company or division level name in your organizational structure or an error occurs. Values are defined by an administrator on the Organizational Structure screen (Admininstration > Global Settings > Your Organization > Organizational Structure). If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • job_code: This file corresponds to an employee's job title. This is not a required field, but if it is completed, the value in the cell must match an existing job code (job title) defined by an administrator in the Job Profile (Admininstration > Global Settings > Your Organization > Job Profile) or an error occurs. If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • user_group: This cell contains the group affiliations to which the internal user must be added. The group name must match an existing group name established by an administrator on the Groups screen (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Groups) or an error occurs. To add the user to more than one group, enter the pipe symbol (|) between each group name (no spaces before or after). If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • marital_status: Core HR licensed users only. This cell must match one of the pre-defined values established in the code: Unmarried, Married, Divorced, Separated, Widowed or Unknown.

    • primary_contact_relationship: Core HR licensed users only. This cell contains the relationship of the primary contact to the employee. The value in this field must match one of the values pre-defined by an administrator in the Relationship Drop Down & Multi Select List (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists > Relationship). Values are pre-defined by an administrator.

    • secondary_contact_relationship: Core HR licensed users only. This cell contains the relationship of the secondary contact to the employee. The value in this field must match one of the values pre-defined by an administrator in the Relationship Drop Down & Multi Select List (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists > Relationship).

    • veteran_type: Core HR licensed users only. This cell contains a value such as Disabled Veteran. The value in this field must match one of the values pre-defined by an administrator in the Veteran list defined in the Diversity Data Collection. Admininstration > Recruiting > Configuration > Diversity Data Collection.

    • job_level: Core HR licensed users only. This cell contains a value indicating the type of job, such as Entry Level. The value in this field must match one of the values pre-defined by an administrator in the Career Levels Drop Down & Multi Select List (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists > Career Levels).

    • soc_code: Core HR licensed users only. This cell contains the employee's Standard Occupational Classification code. The value in this field must match one of the pre-defined values in the SOC Job Code Drop Down & Multi Select List (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists > SOC Job Code).

    • annual_rate: Core HR licensed users only. This cell must match the employee's annual rate of pay.

    • annual_rate_type: Core HR licensed users only. This cell must match one of the pre-defined values set by an administrator in the Job Classifications Drop Down & Multi Select List. (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists > Job Classifications).

    • pay_frequency: Core HR licensed users only. This cell must match one of the pre-defined values set by an administrator in the Pay Frequency Drop Down & Multi Select List (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists > Pay Frequency).

    • work_schedule: Core HR licensed users only. This cell must match one of the pre-defined values for work schedule, such as Full Time or Part Time.

    • change_reason: Though this field is specific to Core HR, if your company does not have a Core HR license, a default value (Employee Import) is entered in this field and the value is not saved upon import. For Core HR users, this field contains the reason for a change to an existing job, and the value in this field must match one of the pre-defined values in the Job Change Reason Drop Down & Multi Select List (Admininstration > Global Settings > System Administration > Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists > Job Change Reason). Values are pre-defined by an administrator.

    • effective_date: Though this field is specific to Core HR, if your company does not have a Core HR license, a default value (the date of the import) is entered in this field and the value is not saved upon import. Core HR licensed users only should enter the effective date for the change.

  4. After you completed the required fields, save the file on your computer.

    You must save the file in the same CSV format in which you downloaded the file. A TXT or XLS format will not upload correctly to our system.

  5. Go back to the screen in the system, and click Browse to find the file you just saved.
  6. Click Upload File.