Bulk Upload Jobs

Follow these steps to bulk upload job profiles.

To upload job profiles:

  1. On the Job Profiles page, click More Options » Bulk Upload Jobs.
  2. Click the link to download the sample job template, and save the file on your computer.
  3. The first row in the spreadsheet is the row that determines where your data belongs in the database.

    Enter the data in the spreadsheet. The listing below does not enumerate all of the fields in the sample template, just those that you need a little more detail on.

    • include_job_in_hourly: Even if the hourly portal is not configured for your application, you will need to put either a 0 or a 1 in this cell for each job profile you are uploading. A zero indicates an hourly portal is not applicable.

    • hourly_portal: This cell must contain a value if the value under the include_job_in_hourly column for that row is 1. The hourly portal name must match an existing hourly portal value in the system or an error occurs.

    • job_title: This cell contains a brief description of the job, which is displayed to internal and external job seekers.

    • job_code: This job code is an abbreviation created by the organization for use in reports and in relation to open requisitions.

    • job_type This cell indicates whether the job is full-time, part-time, or internship.

    • org_level_id: The company value must match an existing company name in your organizational structure or an error will occur. If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • job_family_id: The job family value must match an existing job family for the company in the org_level_id cell or an error occurs. If the spelling is not exact, an error occurs.

    • key_job: This cell is only required if the Development module is enabled for your organization. Values for this cell are either 0 for No or 1 for Yes.

    • job_duration: This cell is only required if the Development module is enabled for your organization. Only numeric values are acceptable in this cell.

    • job_description: This field describes the job duties and responsibilities for the job profile.

  4. After you have completed the required fields, save the file on your computer.

    You must save the file in the same CSV format in which you downloaded it. A TXT or XLS format will not upload correctly to the system.

  5. Go back to the Bulk Upload Jobs screen, and click Browse to find the file you just saved.
  6. Click Submit.