Add New Languages

If you need a language added to the system, contact your Client Services Account Manager (CSAM) to verify if the language is available for the application.


If the language is unavailable, your CSAM will advise of the next steps. There is a fee associated with adding a new language.

Follow these steps to add a new language:

  1. On the Languages screen, click Add New Language.
  2. If you are adding a language that has been enabled by your CSAM, you will have a drop-down list of languages that are available.

    Select the language to install it.

  3. Click Add New Language.

    The system will take a few minutes to install the language. Once completed, you will be routed back to the main Languages page.

  4. Scroll to find the new language, and activate it by clicking in the Actions column.

    By default, a new language is deactivated.