Specify Report Criteria

See Specifying Criteria vs. Specific Records (Values) for information about the difference between selecting report search criteria vs. records (values).

To select report criteria, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation menu, click Reports ยป <Report Category>.

  2. On the Reporting form Reports tab, click the cell in the report Selection column to display .

  3. Click to display the report's Selections Search dialog box.

  4. In the Search Criteria grid, edit the existing criteria by changing the existing entries and/or using the grid toolbar options to insert, delete, or move criteria.

    For example, a Control Account (Search Table) whose Baseline Start (Search field) is This Week (Operator).

  5. If you want to save your settings for future use, continue to step 6. If you don't want to save them, skip to step 10.

  6. Click Organize.

  7. In the Organize Options dialog box Folder Name field, complete one of the following actions:

  8. In the Save Name field, enter a name for the file.

  9. Click Save.

  10. On the Options dialog box, click Apply.

    If you saved the settings, then the name you entered displays in the report Selection column. If you didn't save the settings, then <Records Selected> displays in the report Selection column. Unless you save this report as a new report, the criteria that you set will only be available for the current session.

What do you want to do?

Modify standard reports

Modify options for a standard report

Save a modified standard report as a new report

Transfer report ownership

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