Search Using the Change Number

Use this procedure to search for records using the Change Number.

To search using the Change Number, complete the following steps:

  1. Beside the Search field, click .

    The Search field is available on most Deltek PM Compass forms. Clicking displays the corresponding search dialog box.

  2. In the Display Type drop-down list, select Standard.

  3. In the Search By field, select Change Number.

  4. In the Search Text field, enter any data that narrows your search, such as part of the change number.

  5. Click Search (or press ENTER). A list of all records matching your search criteria displays in the search result grid.

    If you cannot see the search result grid, select Show Result List.

  6. Click Select All or highlight only those records you wish to display and then click Select.

Click the Clear button before starting a new standard search so that information from the previous search is not included in the new search.

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