Edit Cost Progress Time Phased Data

To edit cost progress time phased data, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Projects ยป Projects.

  2. On the Projects form, select a project.

  3. On the Projects Form toolbar, click Enter Progress.

    The Enter Cost Progress form will not display if the Allow Editing a Forecast option on the Progress tab of the Projects form is selected and the validation checks fail. See Enter Cost Progress form for more information if this occurs.

  4. On the Resource tab, click the Edit button.

    Before you can edit the data, PM Compass performs a number of validation checks.  See the Edit field on the Resource Tab of the Enter Cost Progress form, and Forecast Time phased Data Validation Checks for more information.

    When the checks pass, you can start editing the time phased data.

  5. Do one of the following:

  6. Click Save to save the changes.