Time Off Calendar

To open the Time Off Calendar, click the Calendar button on the Time Off Review form.

The Time Off Calendar allows a supervisor to view the number of scheduled hours and time off hours for a particular day. It also allows the supervisor to quickly see how many time off requests are still pending and require approval or disapproval. You can also show Holiday events in this calendar.

The Time Off Calendar shows records for the employees you selected to display on the Time Off Review form. By default it will display this data for the week or month containing the current date. You can change the Effective Date at the top of the calendar to view a different week or month.

See Also:

Time Off Calendar Field Descriptions

View Time Off Calendar Details


Time Off Calendar Field Descriptions

If necessary, click the Filter button at the top of the Time Off Calendar to display the Period, Effective Date, and Show Holiday fields.


Select Week to display the calendar week (Sunday to Saturday) containing the Effective Date.

Select Month to display the calendar month containing the Effective Date.

Effective Date

The Effective Date determines which week or month will be displayed in the calendar. The default Effective Date is the current date.

Show Holiday

Select this box to show the holidays defined in the Holiday Calendar of the persons selected to display on the Time Off Review form/Time Off Calendar.

The Time Off Calendar will display the holidays from the Holiday Calendars that are in effect during the week or month containing the Effective Date. If a person has a Holiday Calendar Override setting, that calendar will take precedence over the Holiday Calendar defined in the person’s Attendance Policy.

The name of the Holiday Calendar will display in parenthesis () after the holiday name.

Pending Requests

If a day has any time off requests pending, it will be highlighted in blue on the calendar. Days without pending requests will not be highlighted.

Hours Schedule Coverage

This color shows the total number of scheduled hours for the day minus the Hours Off Approved/Posted.

The number of hours shown in this field will depend on how many employees are being displayed on the Time Off Review form, the number of scheduled hours for each employee, and the number of time off hours that have been approved or posted. For example, if the calendar is showing data for four employees who are scheduled for eight hours each, and none of the employees have any posted or approved time off, the Hours Schedule Coverage will be 32. If the calendar is only showing data for one of these employees, the Hours Schedule Coverage will be that employee’s scheduled hours for the day. If any of these employees have an approved or posted time off event on that day, these time off hours will be deducted from the Hours Schedule Coverage.

Hours Off Approved/Posted

This is the total number of approved and posted time off hours for the day. The Hours Off Approved/Posted are shown in blue in the Time Off Calendar.

The number of Hours Off Approved/Posted for a particular day will depend on how many employees are being displayed on the form and how many time off hours have been approved and/or posted for these employees on the specified day.

Hours Cancelled Pending

When an employee cancels an approved time off request, the request to cancel will be pending until the supervisor approves it. These pending cancel requests are shown in green in the Time Off Calendar (Hours Cancelled Pending). The number of hours shown in this field will depend on how many employees are being displayed on the form.

Hours Off Pending

Total number of time off request hours that still need to be approved or disapproved by the supervisor. The Hours Off Pending are shown in red in the Time Off Calendar.

The number of Hours Off Pending that display for a particular day will depend on how many employees are being displayed on the form and how many time off hours are pending for these employees on the specified day.

Click the button in the upper right corner of the Time Off Calendar to close it.


View Time Off Calendar Details

Click a day in the Time Off Calendar to display a pop-up window with details about the Hours Off Approved/Posted, Hours Cancelled Pending, and Hours Off Pending for the day.

Use the Status and Post Date fields in the Filter section of the form to view specific records.

Employee ID, Employee, and Employee Name identify the person for whom the time off was requested. These values are defined on the Employee form.

The Status and Type fields indicate whether the time off is from a time off request, or from a time off event posted by a user or by the ATTENDANCE service.

Event displays the name of the event that was selected for this time off request.

Start Date and End Date display the dates for the time off request.

Hours Type indicates whether the time off is for a Full Day, Half Day, or a specified number of Hours. For a time off event posted by a user or by the ATTENDANCE service, the Hours Type will always display Hours.

Duration is the number of hours in the time off request or the posted time off event.

Start Timestamp indicates what time of day the requested time off starts. If the Hours Type is Half Day or Hours, the Start Timestamp was entered when the request was made. If the Hours Type is Full Day, the Start Timestamp is the person's scheduled start time.

Click the button in the upper right corner of the window to close it.