Offline Data Records

Detail Forms:

Offline Records

Offline Record Error

The Offline Data Records form contains individual transactions from each of the processed files on the Offline Data Queue form. Each record represents one transaction. Transactions are processed when the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service runs. Once they are processed successfully, records will show a status of Completed. In order to process the offline data, you must run the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service. Terminals with offline data will not go back online unless the service runs (in order to ensure time sequence integrity of transactions).

See Also:

Offline Data Records Field Descriptions

Find an Offline Data Record

Reset Status

Cancel Status

Adjust an Offline Data Record


Offline Data Records Field Descriptions

Record ID

The unique ID of the record. It is a system-generated sequence number.

Queue ID

Represents the queue ID from the Offline Data Queue form. It identifies which offline data file the transaction came from.


The unique group identifier represents the terminal from where the offline data was collected.


The unique device identifier.

Record Status

Status of the offline transaction.

Adjusted = The offline transaction has been modified/adjusted on the Offline Records tab. The adjusted record will have an Adjustment Record ID.

Cancelled = The offline transaction has been cancelled and will not be processed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service.

Completed = The offline transaction has been processed and executed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service. The record can be viewed on the Action form.

Error = The offline transaction could not be processed, or it has invalid values.

Ready = The offline transaction is ready to be processed by the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service.

Note: If you adjust an offline transaction, its Record Status will change to Adjusted. A new record will be created with the adjusted values and its Record Status will be Ready. The new record will be processed when the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service runs.


A date-time field that holds the actual timestamp of the transaction.

Adjustment Record ID

This field applies only to records that have been created due to an adjustment of an existing record.

Create Date

Identifies when the record was created.

Created By

Identifies who created the record.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Offline Data Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Offline Data Records.

  2. If the record you are searching for is not visible on the form, you can use the filter fields to search for it. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields.


Reset Status

When you reset a record, its status will be set to Ready and it will be processed the next time the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service runs.

You cannot reset a record with a Record Status of Complete.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Offline Data Records.

  2. Select the record and click Reset Status.

  3. Click OK in the pop-up window to confirm the action.

    The Record Status will be Ready. The transaction will be processed when the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service runs.

If you reset a record with a Record Status of Error, the record's Error Status on the Offline Record Error tab will change to Inactive.


Cancel Status

You cannot cancel a record with a Record Status of Complete.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Offline Data Records.

  2. Select the record and click Cancel Status.

  3. Click OK in the pop-up box to confirm the action.

    The Record Status will be Cancel.


Adjust an Offline Data Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Offline Data Records.

  2. Select the record you want to adjust.

  3. Go to the Offline Records tab at the bottom of the form and make the necessary adjustment.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Find.

A new record appears with a Ready status. The existing record is updated with a status of Adjusted and the Adjustment Record ID field will show the new record ID.

The Ready record will update once the OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR service runs.