The PVEValidationRulesets are used to define custom event validations. The operands will check for specific charge element values, person data, or other information while an event is being posted, and perform the appropriate action (stop processing, give validation error, etc.).
You can assign the PVEValidationRulesets or the individual rules to a Custom Validation. This Custom Validation can then be assigned to an event using the Validation tab of the Events form.
PVE Validation Rules are created on the Calc Rule form. Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.
When you create rules, a combination of operands and operators make up the IF and THEN clauses. The combination of operands and operators must return a Boolean value or be a Boolean expression (True or False) in order for the rules to work. The IS operands will return a Boolean expression (True or False statement). The GET operands will return a value.
The following is a list of the available operands for the PVEValidationRuleset.