Export Premium Policy

The Export Premium Policy is used to determine the Payroll, Financial, and/or Manufacturing locations for regular and premium portions of a transaction. When an employee posts premium hours, the transaction’s regular and premium portions will be assigned according to the location configuration in the employee’s Export Premium Policy. These records can be viewed on the Transaction Duration Detail form (trans_action_duration_dtl table) and can be included in a Payroll Export.

An Export Premium Policy can only be assigned to a Person Group with type FACILITY via the Person Group Settings form. It cannot be assigned as a Person Setting or a System Setting.

If an employee is not assigned an Export Premium Policy, or if the Export Premium Policy does not have a BASE record defined, then the employee’s transactions will not have any Transaction Duration Detail records.

In order to define an Export Premium Policy, you first need to define a Policy Name. To do so, click the button next to the Policy Name field on the Export Premium form and select Add, Lookup, or Maintain.

An Export Premium Policy is in effect when:

  1. The Export Premium Policy includes a BASE record type.

  2. The Export Premium Policy is assigned to a Person Group with type FACILITY and the Person Group has members that post premium transactions.

Payroll Export Notes:

If a Payroll Export is configured to get SHIFT premium detail, the Export Premium Policy must have the BASE and SHIFT PREMIUM record types configured. If the Payroll Export is configured to get an HOUR PREMIUM detail, the Export Premium Policy must have the BASE and HOURS PREMIUM record types configured. If the Payroll Export is configured to get HOUR PREMIUM and SHIFT PREMIUM details, the Export Premium Policy must have the BASE, HOURS PREMIUM, and SPLIT PREMIUM record types configured.

See Also:

Export Premium Policy Field Descriptions

Find an Export Premium Policy

Add an Export Premium Policy Name

Add a Record to an Export Premium Policy

Modify a Record in an Export Premium Policy

Delete a Record from an Export Premium Policy


Export Premium Policy Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Name of the Export Premium Policy. To define a Policy Name, click the button next to the Policy Name field on the Export Premium Policy form and select Add.

Split Shift Premium

When you are defining a Policy Name, check this box if you want to split the shift premium into base and premium portions. This option applies to the Shift Premium Record Type on the Export Premium Policy form.

When this box is checked, the Shift Premium will be split into two records: the Base Shift Premium and the Premium Shift Premium.

Record Type

The Record Type column identifies which portion of the transaction this record applies to. A premium transaction can produce these record types:

Base: If the transaction has a regular portion, this non-premium amount will be created in a BASE record. Note that if a premium portion coefficient is less than 1, it will apply to a BASE record.

Hours Premium: If the transaction has premium hours, and the premium coefficient is greater than 1, this premium portion will be created as  an HOURS PREMIUM record. Note that if the premium portion coefficient is less than 1, the portion will apply to the BASE record.

Position Premium: If a transaction has position premium hours, this record type in the person's Export Premium Policy will create the Position premium on the Transaction Duration Details form.

Shift Premium: If the transaction has a premium shift id, a SHIFT PREMIUM record is created. Premium shift id records are created when time reporter works off-shift.

Payroll Location

Identifies the record type's Payroll Location source. The value is taken from the trans_action_location table. This value is used to populate the payroll_location_value in the trans_action_duration_dtl table.

Home: The employee's HR Home Location is used. The HR Home Location is configured on the Person Assignment tab.

Charge: The event's charge location is used. The location is housed in the charge_location_value field in the trans_action_location table.

Financial Location

Identifies the record type's Financial Location source. The value is taken from the trans_action_location table. It is used to populate the gl_location_value in the trans_action_duration_dtl table.

Home: The employee's HR Home Location is used. The HR Home Location is configured on the Person Assignment tab.

Charge: The event's charge location is used. The location is housed in the charge_location_value field in the trans_action_location table. See Charge Location for details on how Charge Locations are determined.

Manufacturing Locale

Identifies the record type's Manufacturing Location source. The value is taken from the trans_action_location table. It is used to populate the labor_location_value in the trans_action_duration_dtl table.

Home: The employee's HR Home Location is used. The HR Home Location is configured on the Person Assignment tab.

Charge: The event's charge location is used. The location is housed in the charge_location_value field in the trans_action_location table.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Export Premium Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Export Premium.

  2. Select the policy you want to view from the Policy Name filter.

  3. You can also click the button next to the Policy Name field and select Lookup. Choose a Policy Name from the pop-up form and click OK.

    The policy's Record Types will display.


Add an Export Premium Policy Name

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Export Premium.

  2. Click the button next to the Policy Name field and select Add from the pop-up menu.

  3. Enter a Policy Name.

  4. Check the Split Shift Premium box if you want to split the shift premium into base and premium portions.

  5. If you want to add more than one Export Premium Policy Name, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Export Premium Policy window open. Or click Save to save your Export Premium Policy Name and return to the main form.

To modify or delete an Export Premium Policy Name, click the button next to the Policy Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

To delete the policy, select it on the pop-up form and click Delete.

To change the policy's Split Shift Premium setting, select it on the pop-up form and click Modify. Check or uncheck the Split Shift Premium box and click Save.


Add a Record to an Export Premium Policy

Note: You must first define a Policy Name in order to configure it.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Export Premium.

  2. Select the policy you want to configure from the Policy Name filter.

    The Export Premium Policy records appear in the middle of the form.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Select a Record Type.

    Note: Each new Export Premium Policy gets a Base record by default. To set a location for the base, you must modify the record.

  5. Select an (Hours) Payroll Location (Charge or Home).

  6. Select a (GL) Financial Location (Charge or Home).

  7. Select a (Labor) Manufacturing Location (Charge or Home).

  8. To continue adding records to this Export Premium Policy, click Save and Add. When you are done, click Save.


Modify a Record in an Export Premium Policy

Note: You can only modify the record's location values.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Export Premium.

  2. Select the Policy Name that contains the configuration you want to modify.

  3. Select the Record Type you want to modify (Base, Hours Premium, or Shift Premium) and click Modify.

  4. Modify the locations and click Save.


Delete a Record from an Export Premium Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Export Premium.

  2. Select the Policy Name that contains the record you want to delete and click Find.

  3. Select the Record Type you want to delete (Base, Hours Premium, or Shift Premium) and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.