Detail Form: Parse Setting Detail
The Parse Setting form is used to configure how event prompt input data is recorded and analyzed by barcode scanners and magnetic stripe readers that are attached to a client terminal. When an event prompt includes a Parse Setting, the system will check to see if a Barcode Prefix is required or if the prompt value has been concatenated. If the Parse Setting includes a Barcode Prefix, the system will check to see that the correct prefix has been scanned or typed in the event prompt field. If the Parse Setting includes Detail records, the system will split the concatenated prompt value across multiple prompts (e.g., scanning a combined work order/operation number will populate the work order and operation prompts with the correct values).
Once you define your Parse Setting, you will need to assign it to an event prompt using the Prompts tab on the Events form.
See Also:
Parse Setting Field Descriptions
Copy, Modify, or Delete a Parse Setting
Assign the Parse Setting to an Event Prompt
Support Non-Printing Characters in Parse Setting
You must enable the PVE Plugin called PROCESS_PARSE_SETTING in order to use this feature.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > PVE Plugin.
Select the PROCESS_PARSE_SETTING record and click Modify.
Check the Enabled box and click Save.
Parse Setting Name
Name of the Parse Setting.
Description of the Parse Setting.
Barcode Prefix
One or more characters that must be added to the beginning of a prompt value for it to be validated. The Barcode Prefix can be up to 10 characters long.
Make sure the scanner connected to your terminal is configured to add the same Barcode Prefix to event prompt values.
When an event prompt includes a Parse Setting with a Barcode Prefix, the system will check to see that the correct prefix has been scanned or typed in the event prompt field on the client terminal.
If the event prompt value that you scanned or typed does not include this prefix, an error message may display (depending on the Barcode Pre Required setting).
If the Barcode Prefix is a non-printing character, the user will not be able to type the value in the prompt field and will have to scan it instead. This feature can be used to ensure users will scan values instead of typing them (e.g., to prevent a user from entering another user’s badge number).
Note: The & and \ characters cannot be used as a Barcode Prefix.
Barcode Pre Length
Number of characters of the Barcode Prefix. Automatically updated by the system. For example, if you enter XX in the Barcode Prefix field, the Barcode Pre Length will be 2.
Barcode Pre Required
Check this box if the Barcode Prefix is required. If the user scans or types a value that does not include this prefix, an error message will display and the prompt value will not be validated.
Do not check this box if your Parse Setting includes Detail records for concatenated barcodes.
If you want to ensure that the user will scan a barcode for the prompt value instead of typing it, use a non-printing character as your Barcode Prefix and check this box. Refer to the Example in Support Non-Printing Characters in Parse Setting for more information.
Update Date, Updated By
These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Parse Setting.
The available settings appear in the middle of the form.
To select a specific setting,
select it from the Parse Setting
Name filter field. If necessary, click the
Filter button to display this field. Then click Find.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Parse Setting and click Add.
Enter values in the Parse Setting Name, Description, Barcode Prefix, and Barcode Pre Required fields.
Note: The & and \ characters cannot be used as a Barcode Prefix.
Click Save.
If you are planning to use concatenated barcodes (e.g., scanning a combined work order/operation number will populate the work order and operation prompts with the correct values), navigate to the Parse Setting Detail tab to add detail records.
When you are done creating your Parse Setting record, assign it to an event prompt via the Prompt tab of the Events form.
To duplicate a Parse Setting, select the record and click Copy. Change the settings as necessary and click Save or Save and Add.
To modify a Parse Setting, select the record and click Modify. You can change all the settings except the Parse Setting Name. Click Save when you are done.
To delete a Parse Setting, select the record and click Delete.
You cannot delete a Parse Setting that has been assigned to an event prompt.
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events and select the event that will use the Parse Setting.
For example:
If the Badge Number prompt requires a Barcode Prefix, select the Login event that is assigned to your Terminal Profile.
If you want to use a concatenated value for the Order and Operation prompts (scanning a combined work order/operation number will populate the work order and operation prompts with the correct values), select the Work Order event that includes these prompts.
On the Prompt tab of the Events form, select the event prompt that will use the Parse Setting.
For example, select the F_BADGE_NUM prompt for the Login event. Or, if your Parse Setting Details specify a concatenated value for the Order and Operation prompts, select the first prompt in the sequence (e.g., F_ORDER_NUM). See Parse Setting Detail for more information.
Click Modify.
In the Parse Setting Name field, select the Parse Setting that will be used for this prompt.
Click Save.