Minimum Time Out

This feature establishes a minimum length of time that must pass between a clock out and a subsequent clock in. For example, if an employee clocks out for lunch, they must remain clocked out for at least 30 minutes before they clock back in. If the employee clocks in before 30 minutes have passed, their clock in time will be rounded to 30 minutes past the rounded clock out time. If the Outside Gap event is enabled in the employee’s Attendance Policy, the Outside Gap event will post for this 30 minute duration.

You can also define a grace period for the minimum time out, to allow employees who accidentally clock out to quickly clock back in without having their clock in times rounded for the minimum amount of time.

Separate minimum time out periods can be defined for clock ins that occur inside the employee’s schedule and outside the employee’s schedule. The inside-schedule setting applies to clock outs/clock ins that occur when the employee is working his or her scheduled hours. The outside-schedule setting applies to clock outs/clock ins that occur when the employee is working at an unscheduled time.

This feature is configured in the Rounding Policy. It affects Clock In and Clock Out times and will not apply to ATTENDANCE:MEAL or ATTENDANCE:BREAK events. For these events, you can use the MINIMUM_PUNCH_DURATION event setting.


Minimum Time Out Settings in the Rounding Policy

The minimum time out periods are defined on the Clock Rounding tab of the Rounding Policy.

The grace period for the Minimum Time Out feature is defined on the Grace Rounding tab of the Rounding Policy.


Minimum Time Out Examples

In the following examples, the employee is scheduled to work from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Clock times are configured to round to the nearest 6 minutes (Time Precision = Tenth in the Rounding Policy). The Min Time Out amounts (inside and outside schedule) are 30 minutes.

Clock In – Inside Schedule

The Min. Time Out Grace is 0.00. The employee is working inside his schedule. At 11:01 a.m., the employee accidentally Clocks Out while trying to stop a labor. The employee starts another labor at 11:03 a.m., causing him to Clock In. Clock times are configured to round to the nearest 6 minutes so normally this Clock In would round to 11:06 a.m. However, the Min Time Out Amt In (30 minutes) has not passed since the last Clock Out. Therefore the Clock In posts at 11:30 a.m.

If the Outside Gap event is enabled in the employee’s Attendance Policy, the Outside Gap event posts from the Clock Out time plus the Min Time Out Amt In (11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.).

Clock In – Outside Schedule

The Min. Time Out Grace is 0.00. The employee has Clocked In at 7 p.m. and is working outside his schedule. At 9:00 p.m., the employee accidentally Clocks Out while trying to stop a labor. The employee starts another labor at 9:03 p.m., causing him to Clock In. Clock times are configured to round to the nearest 6 minutes so normally this Clock In would round to 9:06 p.m. However, the Min Time Out Amt Out (30 minutes) has not passed since the last Clock Out. Therefore the Clock In posts at 9:30 p.m.

If the Outside Gap event is enabled in the employee’s Attendance Policy, the Outside Gap event posts from the Clock Out time plus the Min Time Out Amt Out (9:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.).

Clock In Within Grace Period

The Min. Time Out Grace is 3 minutes. The employee is working inside his schedule. At 11:01 a.m., the employee accidentally Clocks Out while trying to stop a labor. The employee starts another labor at 11:03 a.m., causing him to Clock In. This Clock In is within the Min. Time Out Grace period so the Min Time Out Amt In (30-minute) rounding will not apply. Clock times are configured to round to the nearest 6 minutes so the Clock In rounds to 11:06 a.m. An Outside Gap event posts from the Clock Out time (11:00 a.m.) to the Clock In time (11:06 a.m.).

In the above example, if the employee realizes he mistakenly Clocked Out and Clocks In at 11:02 a.m., the employee’s Clock In time will round to 11:00 a.m. No Outside Gap event will post. Because the Clock In is still within the Min. Time Out Grace period, the Minimum Time Out (30-minute) rounding will not apply.