In Transaction Data

The In Transaction Data tab on the Interface In Queue form displays the raw data that belongs to the selected record on the Interface In Queue form.

You can limit the amount of data that displays on the In Transaction Data tab by modifying the max_transaction_data_size Form Setting on the Form Profile form. If the number of characters in the selected Interface In Queue record exceeds this setting, an error will appear. However, you can click the Download button on the In Transaction Data tab to download the entire Interface In Queue record, regardless of how much of it displays on the In Transaction Data tab. The Download button on the In Transaction Data tab functions the same as the Download Data button on the Interface In Queue form.


Viewing In Transaction Data

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Interfaces > Interface In Queue.

  2. Select the record you want to view.

  3. Click the In Transaction Data tab. The raw data appears in the tab.

If the number of characters in the selected Interface In Queue record exceeds the max_transaction_data_size Form Setting, an error will appear and the Transaction Data field will only show the number of characters specified in the setting.

Change the max_transaction_data_size Form Setting to display more characters or click the Download button (see below) to download the entire record and view it as a separate document.


Download the In Transaction Data Record

To download the entire Interface In Queue record, regardless of how much of it displays on the In Transaction Data tab, click the Download button on the In Transaction Data tab. The Download button in this tab functions the same as the Download Data button on the Interface In Queue form.