Interface Filtration

Detail Form: Filtration Values

The Interface Filtration form is used to view and enable/disable predefined filters that determine the type of data that will be downloaded from a particular interface. You can also use the Filtration Values tab to specify the data to be downloaded for a particular field. For example, the ORDER_ENTITY_TYPE filter specifies which entity types will be downloaded from the APPS.WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS_V table.

See Also:

Interface Filtration Field Descriptions

Find an Interface Filtration Record

Enable/Disable a Filter


Interface Filtration Field Descriptions

Filter Name

Identifies the table filter that limits the data displayed within the data table.

Interface Name

Interface Name defines the external system from which data will be downloaded.

Transaction Name

Identifies the type of data that is being imported from the external system (Interface Name). The Transaction Names are defined for the specified Interface Name on the Interface Trans tab of the Interface form.

Table Name

Identifies the table in the external system (Interface Name) where the record resides.

Field Name

Identifies the field in the table where the record resides.


Describes the data that will be downloaded.


When this box is checked, the Interface Filtration record is active. Click the Disable button at the top of the form to uncheck this box and disable the filter. Click the Enable button at the top of the form to check this box and make the filter active.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Interface Filtration Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Database Polling > Interface Filtration.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  3. Use the Interface Name and Transaction Name filter fields to narrow your search.

  4. Click Find.

    The records will display in the middle of the form.


Enable/Disable a Filter

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Interfaces > Database Polling > Interface Filtration.

  2. Select the record you want to enable/disable.

  3. Click the Enable button to enable the record. The Enabled box will appear checked.

  4. Click the Disable button to disable the record. The Enabled box will be un-checked.