Functional Area

The Functional Area tab of the Supervisor Role form is used to assign functions to a Supervisor Role. Functional areas determine which actions a supervisor can perform for the employees he or she supervises. For example, the “Approve Time Card” functional area allows a supervisor to sign a timecard from the Current Situation or Time Card Review form.

If your Supervisor Role has the All Functional Areas box checked, you do not need to use this tab form because the supervisor will have access to all functional areas.

See Also:

List of Functional Areas for Supervisor Roles

Functional Area Field Descriptions

Add a Functional Area

Modify a Functional Area

Delete a Functional Area


Functional Area Field Descriptions

Function Name

Identifies a functional area that includes specific actions a supervisor can perform for the employees they supervise. See List of Functional Areas for Supervisor Roles.


Indicates the level of responsibility the supervisor has for a particular function.

Able To means the supervisor can perform the functions but is not primarily responsible for them.

Responsible For indicates the supervisor is primarily responsible for the action. The Responsible For option is only available for the following functional areas: Approve Time Card, Offer Overtime, Schedule Time Off, Approve Time Off, and Payroll Lock.

A person’s immediate supervisor, for example, may have the Approve Time Card function set to “Responsible For” but a project manager who does not directly supervise this person will only have the Approve Time Card function set to “Able To.”

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


List of Functional Areas for Supervisor Roles

The following table lists the functional areas that can be added to a Supervisor Role.

Note that a Supervisor Role is different from a Security Role. A Security Role determines which modules are available, which forms a manager can see, and which actions a manager can do on a form, regardless of the employee for whom they are performing these actions. A Supervisor Role determines which functions a supervisor can perform for the employees he or she supervises.

When you include a functional area in a Supervisor Role, make sure the supervisor’s Security Role also allows access to that form.

Functional Area



Adjust Time Card (all functions)

Current Situation form (Period, Weekly, Daily tabs)

Time Card Review form (Period, Weekly, Daily tabs)

Labor Review form (Daily tab)


Add Elapsed

Add Punch

Add Punch Pair





Replace Punch

Adjust Time Card (all functions)

Employee/Person Schedule form

(Main Menu > Administration > Schedules > Person Schedule)

Recalc Time Card

Approve Time Card

Current Situation form

Time Card Review form

The Approve Time Card functional area affects the Sign and Unsign buttons in the header and detail sections of these forms.

Sign (Day, Week, and Period)

Unsign (Day, Week, and Period)


Approve Time Off

Time Off Review form


Approve with Comment


Disapprove with Comment


Reset with Comment

Note: The Add function is determined by the Schedule Time Off functional area (see below).

Change Employee/Person Assignments

Assignment tab of the Employee form

(Main Menu > Manage > Employee > Assignment)





Change Person Assignments

Schedule Cycle form

Shift Definition form


Note: The Assign function must be validated for each selected employee. If the Supervisor Role does not include this functional area for one or more of the selected employees, the Assign will fail for those employees. However only one error message will display.

Change Schedules

Employee/Person Schedule form, including the Event tab




Copy Schedule


Change Schedules

Schedule Cycle


Note: The Generate function must be validated for each selected employee. If the Supervisor Role does not include this functional area for one or more of the selected employees, the Generate function will fail for those employees. However only one error message will display.

Offer Overtime

OT Offer Detail tab of OT Offer form


Payroll Lock

Payroll Lock


Lock All

Lock All Signed


UnLock All

UnLock All Signed

Reset PIN

Employee form

(Main Menu > Manage > Employee)

Reset Password

Schedule Time Off

Time Off Review form


Note: The Add function must be validated for each selected employee. If the Supervisor Role does not include this functional area for one or more of the selected employees, the Add function will fail for those employees. However only one error message will display.


Add a Functional Area

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Security > Supervisor Role.

  2. Select the Role Name to which you want to add a functional area. If the All Functional Areas box is checked, you do not need to add any functional areas.

  3. On the Functional Area tab, click Add.

  4. Select the Function Name you want to add.

  5. Select the Capacity for this function.

  6. If you want to add more than one functional area, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Functional Area window open. Or click Save to save your record and return to the main form.


Modify a Functional Area

You can modify the Capacity setting of a functional area if the functional area has both Capacity options (Able To and Responsible For).

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Security > Supervisor Role.

  2. Select the Role Name to which you want to add a functional area. If the All Functional Areas box is checked, you will not be able to modify any functional areas.

  3. On the Functional Area tab, select the Function Name you want to modify and click Modify.

  4. Change the Capacity as necessary. The Responsible For option is only available for the following functional areas: Approve Time Card, Offer Overtime, Schedule Time Off, Approve Time Off, and Payroll Lock.

  5. Click Save.


Delete a Functional Area

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Security > Supervisor Role.

  2. Select the Role Name from which you want to delete a functional area. If the All Functional Areas box is checked, you will not be able to delete any functional areas.

  3. On the Functional Area tab, select the Function Name you want to remove and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.