First Time User Login

If you are logging into the application for the first time and do not have a password, your password needs to be reset on the Employee form. The reset will create a temporary password.

Once you have a temporary password, you must change it using the Change Password option in the Login form. You cannot log into the application with a temporary password.

  1. Open your web browser and enter the address of the application (as specified by your company).

    The Log In page appears.

    If the Change Password option is not visible on the Log In page, you need to set login_page_change_password_enabled to True in the Application Settings form.

  2. Click the Change Password option.

  3. Enter your Login Name in the User Name field.

    By default, your Login Name is your Employee/Person Number. Ask your system administrator if a different value is used.

  4. Enter your temporary password in the Old Password field.

  5. Enter your new password in the New Password field.

  6. Re-enter your new password in the Confirm Password field.

  7. Click the button.

    If the password change was successful, you will be logged into the application.

    If your new password does not meet the requirements in your Password Profile, a Change Password Failed message will appear.

    If the new password has any of the following characters, a Change Password Failed message will also appear:

    #  %  \  '  ?   =  +  &

    You cannot use the above characters in your password.

Note: Your temporary password may expire after a configurable length of time (the Change Pwd Duration in your Password Profile). If your temporary password expires, you cannot change it as shown in the steps above (a Change Password Failed message will appear). Your password will have to be reset again on the Employee form.