1085PROMPTAccount Prompt ValidationWhen the Prompt Stage is not End, this option validates whether the charge element's effective dates include the event's post date.
100010PROMPTActivity Number ValidationWhen the Prompt Stage is End, this option validates that the Activity exists. When the Prompt Stage is Start, this option validates that the person can charge to the Activity. If the event includes the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID3 prompt, the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID3 prompt will be set to the Charge Element ID of the Activity.
1086PROMPTAuthenticate Current Password, Validate New Password and Update Password RecordWhen a person is changing their password, this validation authenticates the current password, validates the new password, and updates the password record, based on the settings in the Password Profile.
60038PROMPTBase Order Number ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_ORDER_NUM prompt. First compiles a list of possible charge types in which to validate the Order Number. If the event includes the F_CHARGE_TYPE prompt, then this charge type is used. Otherwise, if the event name is present in a prompt and has the value of REPAIRORDER, then the charge type list is ORDER, ORDER_WORK_CENTER, and REPAIR_ORDER. Next, validates that the Order Number exists in an element of one of the charge types, element name ORDER, that is active on the post date, which is determined by the F_POST_DATE prompt or the action time stamp.
1078PROMPTBeyond Schedule Validation for confirm SettingValidates whether a time off request extends beyond the person's schedule. If the person's Time Off Request Policy has Over Schedule set to Confirm, the system will display a confirmation message and the person can decide whether to proceed with the time off request.
1110PROMPTCharge Element Certification CheckThis validation will check for a certification value in a Charge Element and verify that the person posting the event has the same certification. You can add this certification check to any event prompt with an associated Charge Type and Element Name (e.g., Project, Task, Order, Operation, etc.). See "Certification of Charge Elements and Persons " in the help file.
1070PROMPTCharge Element Location ValidationChecks if there is a valid Person Assignment for a HOME_LOCATION type and if there is a valid Charge Element (Manufacturing) location for the event based on the Event Setting Types CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY and CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION.
1108PROMPTCharge Element Standard ValidationWhen the Prompt Stage is not End, this option validates whether the Charge Element's effective dates include the event's post date.
1117PROMPTCharge Element ValidationWhen the Prompt Stage is not End, this option validates whether the Charge Element's effective dates include the event's post date.
1025PROMPTChecks if a Date was entered correctlyChecks if a date is in a valid date format.
1094PROMPTConverts Shift Num to shift_idGets the user's response to the Shift Num prompt and converts it to the Shift ID for use in subsequent operations. Validates the Shift Number and Shift ID against the Shift Policy and Shift Definition.
100035PROMPTCost Object ValidationFor an End stage prompt, validates that the Cost Object exists. For a Start stage prompt, validates that (1) the Cost Object exists, (2) the person can charge to it, (3) the record is active, and (4) the post date is within the Cost Object's Start and End Dates (if any).
100021PROMPTFrom Operation Number ValidationValidates the F_FROM_OPERATION_NUM prompt. The F_FROM_OPERATION_NUM prompt value and accompanying Order ID in the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 prompt must correspond to the charge element in the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt. Additionally, the F_FROM_OPERATION_NUM must exist, and the order must pass validation against the person's Order Policy.
100025PROMPTFrom Step ValidationDesigned for Oracle WIP-style operations that have steps within operations. Based on the person's Order Policy and the Move Scheme within the policy, validates that movement from the given step is allowed in the direction specified by the F_MOVE_DIRECTION prompt.
1061PROMPTGeneric AlphaNumeric ValidationChecks if a prompt has valid characters. Characters not allowed are: ( ) = / \ ; ' ` ? # | % " & < > and whitespace.
1062PROMPTGeneric AlphaNumeric with whitespace ValidationChecks if a prompt has valid characters. Characters not allowed are: / \ ; ` ? # | % " & < >
1089PROMPTGeneric Charge Location ValidationBased on the person's Event Policy/Event Setting and the event's EVENT_LOCATION_SOURCE setting, this validation determines the event location source and validates it against the person's assignment (HR, Manufacturing, or Financial).
1100PROMPTGeneric Decimal Numbers (With Precision 2) ValidationValidates if a number is a decimal and if the precision is not greater than 2.
1060PROMPTGeneric Email Address ValidationChecks if an email address prompt has valid characters and a valid email format.
1069PROMPTGeneric Event Location ValidationChecks if there is a valid Person Assignment for a HOME_LOCATION type and also if there is a valid Charge Element (Manufacturing) location for the event based on the Event Setting Types CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY and CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION.
1041PROMPTGeneric Hours ValidationValidation for the F_HOURS prompt. If the event is not a Replace Punch or Add Punch event, this setting validates the format of the hours. It also checks whether (1) the hours are not zero, (2) the hours are only permitted to be zero, (3) the hours are being modified on the web, and (4) if the hours are being posted from a terminal for California Meal Rules.
1063PROMPTGeneric Time Entry Type ValidationValidates whether the Entry Type in the person's Employment Profile is PUNCHED, ELAPSED, EXCEPTION, or NONE.
1054PROMPTGeneric Whole Number ValidationChecks if the prompt value is an integer.
100014PROMPTHours ValidationValidates the F_HOURS prompt. The value must be an integer; a decimal to no more than two decimal places; H:MM; or HH:MM format. Cannot be negative.
1064PROMPTIndirect Charge Code Prompt ValidationIf the Indirect Charge module is available and an Indirect Charge Policy is configured, this validation checks whether the Charge Code's Record Status is Active.
100036PROMPTJob Code ValidationFor an End stage prompt, validates that the Job Code exists. For a Start stage prompt, validates that (1) the Job Code exists, (2) the person can charge to it, (3) the record is active, and (4) the post date is within the Job Code's Start and End Dates (if any).
1040PROMPTLabor Finished Pre Prompt ValidationValidation to determine whether to display the F_STOP_LABOR prompt. Checks if the prompt is for a manager and it is a modify prompt. This validation also has special logic for Multi Labors on legacy B-Net 9540 and B-Web 9300 terminals which display the prompt differently than other terminals.
100023PROMPTLabor Type ValidationValidates the F_LABOR_TYPE prompt. This prompt cannot be empty and must be one of the following: OTHER, REWORK, RUN, or SETUP.
100024PROMPTMove To Next Operation ValidationValidates the F_MOVE_TO_NEXT_OPERATION prompt. Must have a value and be either Current Comp, None, or All Compl.
1077PROMPTOT Response Charge Code ValidationValidation for the F_OT_RESPONSE_CHARGE_CODE prompt. Validates Refusal Codes for OT offers when Refusal Codes are required based on the person's OT Response Policy.
100009PROMPTOperation Number ValidationValidates the F_OPERATION_NUM prompt. For an End stage prompt, validates that the Operation exists. For a Start stage prompt, validates that (1) the Operation exists, (2) the person can charge to it, and (3) the record is active. If the event includes the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt, the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt will be set to the Charge Element ID of the Operation.
100008PROMPTOrder Number ValidationValidates the F_ORDER_NUM prompt. For an End stage prompt, validates that the Order exists. For a Start stage prompt, validates that (1) the Order exists, (2) the person can charge to it, (3) the record is active, and (4) the post date is within the Order's Start and End Dates (if any). If the event includes the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 prompt, the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 prompt will be set to the Charge Element ID of the Order.
1119PROMPTParent Charge Element PopulationPopulates the event prompts where the element name is the same or a parent of the attached prompt
1114PROMPTPassword ValidationIf the request comes from the Web or Mobile and the Event Stage is END while the Prompt Stage is START, the password validation is skipped. This validation checks if there is a valid authentication profile; authenticates the user; validates against the employee's profile; and checks if the user has exceeded the Max Pwd Tries. This validation can be added to the F_PASSWORD prompt for kiosk events on a shop floor terminal. See "Password Required to Access Kiosk Events " in the help file for more information.
1071PROMPTPerson Balance ValidationThis validation can be used on the F_HOURS prompt in time off events (Holiday, Sick, Vacation, etc.). It validates whether the person's balance is overdrawn based on the person's Attendance Policy if the person's Balance Policy is not configured, and if overdraw is forbidden in the Attendance Policy (Balance Check is set to Forbid).
1072PROMPTPerson Balance Validation for Warning SettingThis validation can be used on the F_CONFIRM_OVERDRAW prompt in time off events (Holiday, Sick, Vacation, etc.). If the event is not being cancelled or deleted, and the person's Balance Policy is configured with Overdraw set to Confirm, this option validates whether the balance is overdrawn based on the person's Attendance Policy. If the event is from a time off request, it will be validated based on the person's Time Off Request Policy.
100027PROMPTPre Validation for Overcompletion PromptIf the event has the F_LABOR_TYPE prompt and the F_LABOR_TYPE prompt value is not Setup, this validation sets the F_OVERCOMPLETION prompt to display a read-only value if the F_OVERCOMPLETION prompt is configured for read-only. In other words, this validation will prevent the F_OVERCOMPLETION prompt, when configured to be read-only, from displaying as read-only if the F_LABOR_TYPE is Setup.
100013PROMPTProject Task Exp ValidationWhen using OTL Projects, this option validates that the F_EXPENDITURE_TYPE prompt contains an Element Value for a Charge Element with the Charge Type OTL_EXPENDITURE_TYPE and the Element Name EXPENDITURE_TYPE.
100012PROMPTProject Task ValidationValidates the F_TASK prompt. For an End stage prompt, validates that the Task exists. For a Start stage prompt, validates that (1) the Task exists, (2) the person can charge to it, (3) the record is active, and (4) the post date is within the Task's Start and End Dates (if any).
100011PROMPTProject ValidationValidates the F_PROJECT prompt. For an End stage prompt, validates that the Project exists. For a Start stage prompt, validates that (1) the Project exists, (2) the person can charge to it, (3) the record is active, and (4) the post date is within the Project's Start and End Dates (if any).
1046PROMPTPto Request Date Prompts ValidationValidation for the F_START_DATE prompt of a PTO REQUEST event. Checks that the date has a proper format and that the End Date of the Time Off Request is greater than the Start Date of the request. Also validates that the person has a schedule for the date range of the request.
1052PROMPTPto Request Duration of Time Off ValidationValidation for the F_HOURS prompt of a PTO REQUEST event. If the Time Off Request is not a CANCEL or MODIFY, this validation checks if the hours are valid; if they are less than 24; and if they are not less than the MINIMUM_DURATION or greater than the MAXIMUM_DURATION Event Settings for the event in the time off request.
1047PROMPTPto Request Hours Prompt ValidationPre Validation for the F_HOURS prompt of a PTO REQUEST event. This validation is used when the Time Off Request is neither CANCEL, PREV_BNET, nor NEXT_BNET (PREV_BNE and NEXT_BNET indicate the Previous and Next buttons are being used to view the request in the terminal). This validation sets the F_HOURS prompt to be visible/hidden/read-only depending on the Hours Type of the Time Off Request. If the Hours Type of the Time Off Request is Hours, the F_HOURS prompt will be visible for the PTO Request event.
1091PROMPTPto Request Pre Prompt Balance Code ValidationPre Validation for the F_BALANCE_CODE prompt of a PTO REQUEST event. If the PTO REQUEST event's F_BALANCE_CODE prompt has no Valid Values, this validation displays the F_BALANCE_CODE prompt as empty and read-only. Otherwise, the F_BALANCE_CODE prompt will be visible and display the Valid Values.
1049PROMPTPto Request Selected Request Id ValidationValidation for the F_PTO_REQUEST prompt of the PTO_REQUEST_VIEW event. This validation generates an error if the Time Off Request is not an ADD and the request's Status is neither PENDING nor APPROVED. This validation also throws an error when the request's Status is PENDING and the request type is CANCEL or if the request's Status is APPROVED and the request type is not DISAPPROVED.
1051PROMPTPto Request Start Timestamp Prompt ValidationValidation for the F_START_TIMESTAMP prompt of the PTO_REQUEST_VIEW event. If the Time Off Request is not a CANCEL, this validation checks whether the requested hours overlap with current PENDING or APPROVED requests. This validation also checks whether the requested hours overlap using schedules.
1045PROMPTPto Request Submit Prompt ValidationChecks if the value of the prompt is not empty; otherwise make it visible.
100017PROMPTQuantity Completed ValidationValidation for the F_QUANTITY_COMPLETED prompt. First, validates the status of the order (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 prompt) based on the person's Order Policy. Second, validates that the F_QUANTITY_COMPLETED prompt contains a valid number (will be 0 on automatic clock out). Third, validates against the F_OVERCOMPLETION prompt and the order's overreporting type and amount that the claimed quantity does not yield a disallowed overreporting state. Finally, validates that the operation (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt) allows the claimed quantity based upon the person's Order Policy.
100020PROMPTQuantity Moved ValidationValidation for the F_QUANTITY_MOVED prompt. Designed for Oracle WIP-style operations that have steps within operations. Validates that from a particular operation (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt) and step (F_FROM_STEP prompt), there is sufficient quantity to move the desired amount (F_QUANTITY_MOVED prompt). Note that the Operation Number and Quantity Moved must be integers.
100019PROMPTQuantity Pre Validation for ReadOnlyPre Validation for quantity prompts that depend on a parent prompt having or not having particular values. Checks each parent prompt where the dependency is configured for a parent operator and value. If the parent prompt meets the configuration, the current prompt will display as read-only. Otherwise, the current prompt will be hidden.
100018PROMPTQuantity Rejected ValidationValidation for the F_QUANTITY_REJECTED prompt. First, validates the status of the order (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 prompt) based on the person's Order Policy. Second, validates that the F_QUANTITY_ REJECTED prompt contains a valid number (will be 0 on automatic clock out). Third, validates against the F_OVERCOMPLETION prompt and the order's overreporting type and amount that the claimed quantity does not yield a disallowed overreporting state. Finally, validates that the operation (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt) allows the claimed quantity based upon the person's Order Policy.
60044PROMPTQuantity Scrapped ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validation for the F_QUANTITY_SCRAPPED prompt. First, validates the status of the order (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 prompt) based on the person's Order Policy. Second, validates that the F_QUANTITY_ SCRAPPED prompt contains a valid number (will be 0 on automatic clock out). Third, validates against the F_OVERCOMPLETION prompt and the order's overreporting type and amount that the claimed quantity does not yield a disallowed overreporting state. Finally, validates that the operation (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt) allows the claimed quantity based upon the person's Order Policy.
100028PROMPTReject Charge Code ValidationValidation for F_REJECT_REASON prompt. If quantity is being rejected or moved to the Reject step, this validation checks that the code entered at the F_REJECT_REASON prompt is a valid, active Charge Code of type Reject or Reason.
60050PROMPTSFT Account ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validation for the F_ACCOUNT prompt. Validates that the account exists and is active on the event's post date. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp.
60055PROMPTSFT Charge Location ValidationShop Floor Time only. Based on the person's Event Policy/Event Setting and the event's EVENT_LOCATION_SOURCE setting, this validation determines the event location source and validates it against the person's assignment (HR, Manufacturing, or Financial). It also copies the hierarchy node into the prompt value if they aren't the same.
60049PROMPTSFT Inspection ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_INSPECTION prompt where YES means the action is a Quality Check and NO means the action is a Labor. An Operation Number is also required. Validates that the Quality Check or Labor is allowed for the Operation.
60040PROMPTSFT Operation Number Step ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 (the parent), F_OPERATION_NUM, and F_OPERATION_STEP prompts. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. Parent prompt (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1) must be an integer or empty but the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 prompt must be present. The Operation number must be of Charge Type ORDER, Element Name OPERATION, and Level 2 under the parent. Operation number must also have a value of format OperationNum.OperationStep and be active on the post date. If all these conditions are validated, the SFT Operation Number Step Validation also sets the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt, if present, to the Element ID and sets the F_OPERATION_NUM_STEP prompt, if present, to the Element Value.
60047PROMPTSFT Order Account ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_ORDER_NUM and F_ACCOUNT prompts. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. Validates that the Account exists under the Order and is active on the post date.
60048PROMPTSFT Order Organization ValidationShop Floor Time only.Validates the F_ORDER_NUM, F_ACCOUNT and F_ORGANIZATION prompts. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. Validates that the Organization exists under the Account which exists under the Order and is active on the post date.
60053PROMPTSFT Order Project ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_ORDER_NUM and F_PROJECT prompts. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. Validates that the Order exists under the Project and is active on the post date.
60051PROMPTSFT Organization ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_ACCOUNT and F_ORGANIZATION prompts. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. Validates that the Organization exists under the Account and is active on the post date.
60037PROMPTSFT PLCCode ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_PROJECT, F_PLC_CODE, and F_PERSON prompts. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. First, checks if the Project is a project workforce, meaning it is present in any Charge Filtration Group with a name of E_% on the post date. If so, the validation checks that the PLC Code is available through that Charge Filtration Group and that the Project and PLC Code are active on the post date. If the Project is not a project workforce, the validation checks that the Project and PLC Code are active on the post date and that the PLC Code exists as a Charge Element of type PROJECT_LABOR_CATEGORY that is active on the post date.
60035PROMPTSFT Project Account ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_PROJECT and F_ACCOUNT prompts. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. Validates that the Account exists under the Project and is active on the post date.
60036PROMPTSFT Project Organization ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_PROJECT, F_ACCOUNT, and F_ORGANIZATION prompts. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. Validates that the Organization exists under the Account which exists under the Project and is active on the post date.
60034PROMPTSFT Project ValidationShop Floor Time only. Validates the F_PROJECT prompt. Post date is from any F_POST_DATE prompt or determined from the action time stamp. Validates that the Project exists and is active on the post date.
1032PROMPTSchedule Margin Violation Prompt ValidationFinds the person's current schedule and validates the schedule margins based on the event being posted. It also processes Schedule Policy Confirmation prompts and triggers the messaging framework. See "Adding Prompts and Validations to an Event When Using CONFIRM in Schedule Policy" in the help file for more information.
100029PROMPTScrap Charge Code ValidationValidation for F_SCRAP_REASON prompt. If quantity is being rejected or moved to the Scrap step, this validation checks that the code entered at the F_SCRAP_REASON prompt is a valid, active Charge Code of type Scrap.
1097PROMPTSet Location Prompt for Transient AssignmentPre Validation for the F_ASSIGNMENT_VALUE prompt of the TRANSFER_LOCATION event. If the event is neither a Web request nor from offline mode, and based on the prompt values the user enters for PERSON_ID, F_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE, and TERMINAL_ID, this validation gets a location list from Hierarchy Elements and/or Person Group and Terminal Filtration, then hides this list if there is just one location in the list.
1080PROMPTSingle Valid Value HiddenIf the event prompt has only one Valid Value, this validation will assign the Valid Value to the event prompt and hide the prompt.
1081PROMPTSingle Valid Value Read onlyIf the event prompt has only one Valid Value, this validation will assign the Valid Value to the event prompt and display the prompt as read-only.
100022PROMPTTo Operation Number ValidationValidation for the F_TO_OPERATION_NUM prompt in the ORACLE_EBS_MOVE event. Validates that the F_TO_OPERATION_NUM prompt value and accompanying Order ID in the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID1 prompt correspond to the Charge Element in the F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt. Additionally, the Operation must exist and the Order must pass validation against the Order Policy.
100026PROMPTTo Step ValidationValidation for the F_TO_STEP prompt in the ORACLE_EBS_MOVE event. Designed for Oracle WIP-style operations that have steps within operations. Validates that from a particular Operation (F_CHARGE_ELEMENT_ID2 prompt) and step (F_FROM_STEP prompt), there is sufficient quantity to move the desired amount (F_QUANTITY_MOVED prompt). Note that the Operation Number and Quantity Moved must be integers.
1101PROMPTValidate Job Code/Position PromptValidation for TRANSFER_JOB_CODE and TRANSFER_POSITION events. Based on the user's PERSON_ID, the post date, and the sender name, as well as prompt values the user enters for F_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE and F_ASSIGNMENT_VALUE, the Job Code or Position is validated against the charge_element table for an active Level 1 record.
1098PROMPTValidate Location Prompt for Transient AssignmentValidation for F_ASSIGNMENT_VALUE prompt of TRANSFER_LOCATION event. Based on the prompt values the user enters for PERSON_ID, F_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE, and TERMINAL_ID, this validation gets a location list from Hierarchy Elements and/or Person Group and Terminal Filtration and validates if the prompt is in that list.
1035PROMPTValidate current labor against the currently open laborsIf the labor being posted is not an adjustment and the Prompt Type is not STOPSTOP, this validation checks to see if there is a labor that is already open or if there is a time division error for Batch/Multi labors.
1088PROMPTValidate if the current prompt is emptyIf the event is not an automatic clock out, this validation checks to see that the prompt is empty.
1036PROMPTValidate preprompt conditionThis validation goes through the Prompt Dependency list to determine if the preprompt validation is needed. If the preprompt validation is not needed and a null value for the prompt is not required, the prompt will be hidden. Otherwise, the prompt will be visible.
1118PROMPTValidation to cleanse prompt of special charactersThis validation replaces special characters from the associated prompt with whitespaces. The characters that will be replaced are: / \ ; ' ` ? # | % " < >
100038PROMPTValidation to populate Operation from Confirmation NumIf the F_CONFIRMATION_NUM prompt value is an Operation in a Maintenance Order, this validation sets the F_OPERATION_NUM prompt to the F_CONFIRMATION_NUM prompt value. Otherwise, it sets the F_OPERATION_NUM prompt to an empty string.
100037PROMPTValidation to populate Order from Confirmation NumIf the F_CONFIRMATION_NUM prompt value is an Operation in a Maintenance Order, this validation sets the F_ORDER_NUM prompt to the F_CONFIRMATION_NUM prompt value. Otherwise, it sets the F_ORDER_NUM prompt to an empty string.
1030EVENTAuthentication Event ValidationDepending on the Authentication Type (F_AUTH_TYPE), this validation authenticates the user's Person Number, PIN, PIN number expiration, Badge Number, Badge Group, and Login Name (or LDAP Login and Configuration).
1026EVENTCreates the InfoDataObjectPost validation used on INFO:DATA or "kiosk" events. Creates an INFO_DATA parameter based on the F_INFODATA_FORM_NAME and F_INFODATA_MODEL_CLASS_NAME prompts.
1027EVENTGeneric Event Minimum Duration ValidationValidates the MINIMUM_DURATION setting for a punch event when the last action stage is not End. This validation is used in the Meal Restriction feature, to ensure that an employee will remain punched out for a meal event for a minimum length of time. If the event is a Meal or Break, is posted as an elapsed event, and has PUNCH_ELASPSED_ON_TERMINAL set to Both, the MINIMUM_DURATION will not be validated. This exception allows a person to work through a required meal or break in accordance with California Meal Rules.
1055EVENTGeneric Event Type Matrix ValidationIf menu filtration is enabled, it validates the menu filtration for allowed event types against the Event Type Matrix.
1106EVENTInsert/Update Person Ad-Hoc recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON_ADHOC event, which is used to populate Person Ad Hoc records. For more information, see the Person Adhoc section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1107EVENTInsert/Update Person Direct Manager recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON_DIRECT_MANAGER event, which is used to populate Person Direct Manager records. For more information, see the Person Direct Manager section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1095EVENTInterface Attendance Points ValidationPost Validation for the INTERFACE_ATTENDANCE_POINTS event, which is used to populate Attendance Point records. For more information, see the Attendance Points section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1050EVENTInterface Group ValidationPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON_GROUP event, which is used to load Person Groups, Person Group Members, and Person Group Managers. For more information, see the Person Group section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1056EVENTMinimum Repeat Event Duration Event ValidationIf the MINIMUM_REPEAT setting is enabled for the event, and a MINIMUM_REPEAT_EVENT_DURATION value is set for the event, this validation checks to see if the MINIMUM_REPEAT_EVENT_DURATION has been met.
1074EVENTMinimum and Maximum length ValidationUsed for INTERFACE events. Validates minimum and maximum length for each prompt on the event.
1104EVENTSuspend Event Filtration PreValidationIf the person posting the event is a supervisor or if the person for whom the event is being posted has an Entry Type of Elapsed or Exception, then the validation succeeds. This validation is used to prevent punch employees from posting a Suspend event, which will be posted by the SCHEDULED_EVENT service instead. Refer to the "Scheduled Events " feature in the help file for more information.
1022EVENTTerminal Access ValidationChecks if a person is part of the Person Group that has the same name as the Terminal Profile of the Terminal.
1090EVENTTime Card Daily View ValidationPost Validation for TIMECARDDAILYVIEW, TIMECARDWEEKLYVIEW, and TIMECARDPERIODVIEW events. It validates the person's signing/unsigning of a day, a week, or a period.
1053EVENTWIP Module ValidationPre Validation for the event. Checks if the WIP module is licensed and enabled.
1029ACTIONBiometric enforce validationUsed when configuring a login event to enforce biometric authentication on a legacy terminal. Validates if a biometric check on a terminal is enforced. If the semantic CBM_VALUE is Y, then the validation passes. If it is N, then it also checks if the Terminal Profile's BIOMETRIC_ENFORCE setting is TRUE. If it is TRUE, it additionally checks if a person is exempt from a biometric check (BIOMETRIC_EXEMPT). If BIOMETRIC_EXEMPT is Yes, the validation passes and if person is not exempt from the biometric check, the validation fails.
1112ACTIONChecks prompt values for escaped XML characters and unescapes themValidation for the INTERFACE_DICTIONARY event. Checks prompt values for escaped XML characters and unescapes them. For more info see the Dictionary section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1102ACTIONDuplicate Action Event ValidationOn the start of a labor, it validates against the action table if the labor is already open.
1109ACTIONGet Sender Name for Move Insert Action and Action Prompt RecordSets the Sender Name in the action table based on the Charge Type in the Process Policy (if any). Otherwise the Sender Name defaults to the person's Sender Name. This validation also sets the person's number, ID, Rcd number, and badge number in the action table.
1116ACTIONInsert Action Process Status for Post Process EventCreates a POST_PROCESS_EVENT record in the action_process_status table. The record status will be R (Ready) unless the Person Type is Interim, in which case the record status will be W (Waiting). This validation also checks to see if there is a Pay Policy in effect and then validates that the Pay Policy Events are configured.
1073ACTIONInsert Action Process Status to Export Action record(s)Creates an ACTION_EXPORT record for the event in the Process Status form (action_process_status table) once the event posts to the action table. The record status will be R (Ready) unless the Person Type is Interim, in which case the record status will be W (Waiting).
100030ACTIONInsert Action Process Status to create Attendance EventsCreates a GENERATE_SUPPORTING_EVENT record for the event in the action_process_status table.
1017ACTIONInsert Action Process Status to create Trans_Action (pairs)Creates a PAIR_FORMATION record for the event in the action_process_status table. The record status will be R (Ready) unless the Person Type is Interim, in which case the record status will be W (Waiting).
100039ACTIONInsert Action Process Status to create Zero Conf21Checks if the Charge Element is an Operation for a Charge Type of Order. If so, for an End stage prompt, the validation checks that the operation exists. For a Start stage prompt, the validation checks that that the person can charge to it and the record is active. Next, the validation will check the Operation's first_activity_flag. If this flag is set to zero, the validation will set it to 1 and create an action process status record called OUT_SAP_ZERO_CONF21. See "Send Zero Order Confirmation to SAP" in the help file for more information.
1021ACTIONInsert Action Process Status to send Action record(s) to interface_outCreates a READ_ACTION record for the event in the action_process_status table. The record status will be R (Ready) unless the Person Type is Interim, in which case the record status will be W (Waiting).
1020ACTIONInsert Action Process Status to send Trans_Action (pairs) to interface_outCreates a READ_TRANS_ACTION record for the event in the action_process_status table. The record status will be R (Ready) unless the Person Type is Interim, in which case the record status will be W (Waiting).
1019ACTIONInsert Action and Action Prompt RecordCreates an Action record. For events that are not Arrival and Departure events, this validation creates Action Prompt records; updates the person balance record when necessary; and closes person assignment transient records that are open.
1001ACTIONInsert ActionsCreates Action and Action Prompt records for the event. Also creates a READ_ACTION record in the action_process_status table for persons who are non-contractors.
1039ACTIONInsert Move Action Process Status to create move recordCreates a READ_ACTION_MOVE record in the action_process_status table. The record status will be R (Ready) unless the Person Type is Interim, in which case the record status will be W (Waiting). If the Prompt Stage is not Start and it is an adjustment, this validation also checks to see if the Update on Cancel option is enabled in the person's Order Policy.
1099ACTIONInsert Person Assignment Transient Record, Action And Action Prompt RecordCreates an Action record. For events that are not Arrival and Departure events, this validation creates Action Prompt records. For non-adjustments when stopping a labor and when action schedule code is not null, based on F_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE and F_ASSIGNMENT_VALUE, it inserts/updates/deletes a person transient assignment record.
1044ACTIONInsert Pto RequestPost Validation for the PTO_REQUEST event. Validates a Time Off Request based on the type of the request: Add, Modify, or Cancel. If the request is an Add, this validation creates a new record in the pto_request table with a PENDING status while validating the hours, start time, sufficient balance, and balance overdraw. If the request is a Modify, the validation performs the same actions as it does for Add requests, and it also validates a 24-hour maximum per request and inserts/updates records in the pto_request_dtl table. If the request is a Cancel, the validation does not allow a PENDING request to be cancelled; otherwise it updates both the pto_request and pto_request_dtl tables accordingly. All requests trigger messages if configured.
1083ACTIONInsert/Update Charge Element Operation recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_OPERATION event, which is used to load Operation data and supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Operation section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1084ACTIONInsert/Update Charge Element Order recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_ORDER event, which is used to load Order data and supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Order section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1018ACTIONInsert/Update Charge Element recordsPost Validation for the following interface events: INTERFACE_ACTIVITY, INTERFACE_CHARGE_ELEMENT, INTERFACE_DEPARTMENT, INTERFACE_PROJECT, INTERFACE_TASK. These events are used to load Activity, Charge Element, Department, Project, and Task data. They support both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, refer to the appropriate section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1092ACTIONInsert/Update Charge Filtration recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_CHARGE_FILTRATION event, which is used to load Charge Filtration data. For more information, see the Charge Filtration section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
100016ACTIONInsert/Update Delegation recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_DELEGATION event, which is used to load Delegation data. For more information, see the Delegation section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1024ACTIONInsert/Update Event recordsThis validation checks the F_LOAD_TYPE prompt. If the F_LOAD_TYPE F, it deletes data from the event_validation, event_prompt, and event tables based on the values in the FI_EVENT_TYPE and FI_EVENT_SUB_TYPE prompts. Otherwise, this validation inserts/updates the event (FI_EVENT_TYPE, FI_EVENT_SUB_TYPE, FI_EVENT_NAME); dictionary_label (FI_EVENT_NAME, FI_EVENT_LABEL); prompt (FI_PROMPT_NAME, FI_PROMPT_LABEL); event_prompt (FI_EVENT_NAME, FI_PROMPT_NAME, validation_id=10004); event_validation (FI_EVENT_NAME and FI_EVENT_VALIDATION (validation_id=10114).
1059ACTIONInsert/Update Person Assignment recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON_ASSIGNMENT event, which is used to load Person Assignment data. For more information, see the Person Assignment section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1058ACTIONInsert/Update Person Setting recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON_SETTING event, which is used to load Person Settings. For more information, see the Person Setting section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1023ACTIONInsert/Update Person recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON event, which is used to load Person data and supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Person section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1111ACTIONInsert/Update/Delete Dictionary and Dictionary Label recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_DICTIONARY event, which is used to load dictionary records. For more information, see the Dictionary section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1093ACTIONInsert/Update/Delete Subcontractor recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_SUBCONTRACTOR event, which is used to load Subcontractor data and supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Subcontractor section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1033ACTIONInterface Accrual ValidationPost Validation for the INTERFACE_ACCRUAL event, which is used to load Accrual balances and supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Accrual section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1028ACTIONInterface Hierarchy ValidationPost Validation for the INTERFACE_HIERARCHY event, which is used to load Hierarchy data along with Person Group Members and Person Group Managers. This interface supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Hierarchy section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1034ACTIONInterface Message ValidationPost Validation for the INTERFACE_MESSAGE event, which is used to load Message data and supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Message section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1043ACTIONInterface Person Schedule Event ValidationPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON_SCHEDULE_EVENT event, which is used to load person schedule event data and supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Person Schedule Event section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1042ACTIONInterface Person Schedule ValidationPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON_SCHEDULE event, which is used to load person schedule data and supports both full and incremental synchronization. For more information, see the Person Schedule section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1057ACTIONMinimum Repeat Event Duration Action ValidationIf the MINIMUM_REPEAT setting is enabled for the event, and a MINIMUM_REPEAT_EVENT_DURATION value is set for the event, this validation checks to see if the MINIMUM_REPEAT_EVENT_DURATION has been met. See "Minimum Repeat Event" in the help file for more information.
1037ACTIONMove ValidationPost Validation for the ORACLE_EBS_MOVE event. Validates a move, if it is not an adjustment. If a move is allowed based on a Move Scheme and values for the F_MOVE_DIRECTION, F_FROM_STEP, and F_TO_STEP prompts, this validation checks to see that the Operation Status is Closed when stopping a labor and operation (in the Order Policy, Stop on Close Operation is set to Not Allowed, Allowed With Quantity, or Allowed Without Quantity). This validation then inserts records into the action_move_quantity and action_move_quantity_dtl tables, and updates the charge_element_operation table accordingly.
1076ACTIONOT Response Selected OT Offer ValidationPost Validation for the OT_RESPONSE_DIALOG event. Creates an overtime response based on the person's action toward an overtime offer: ACKNOWLEDGE, ACCEPT, or REFUSE. If the person Acknowledges the offer, this validation updates the ot_offer_person table, inserts a record in the ot_offer_action table, and triggers a message. If the person Accepts the offer, this validation sets the status to ACCEPTED/ACCEPTED_AFTER_CUTOFF, updates the ot_offer_person table, inserts a record in the ot_offer_action table, and triggers a message. It also inserts comments, if any, into the ot_offer_action_comment table. If the person Refuses the offer, this validation sets the status to REFUSED/REFUSED_AFTER_CUTOFF, updates the ot_offer_person table, inserts a record in the ot_offer_action table, and triggers a message. It also inserts comments and refusal comments, if any, into the ot_offer_action_comment table.
1096ACTIONPTO request validationPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PTO_REQUEST event, which is used to process Time Off Requests and responses from the ERP. This interface supports only incremental synchronization. For more information, see the PTO Request section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
100033ACTIONPay Scale and Pay Levels ValidationPost Validation for INTERFACE_PAY_SCALES event, which is used to load Pay Scale data. For more information, see the Pay Scales section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
100032ACTIONPerson Pay Scale ValidationPost Validation for INTERFACE_PERSON_PAY_SCALE event, which is used to load Person Pay Scale data. For more information, see the Person Pay Scale section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
60054ACTIONSFT Quantity ValidationShop Floor Time only. If the F_INSPECTION prompt is present and is YES, validates that the F_QUANTITY_ACCEPTED, F_QUANTITY_REJECTED, and F_QUANTITY_SCRAPPED prompts are present and have values. Further validates that if F_QUANTITY_REJECTED is greater than 0, then the F_REJECT_REASON prompt must be present and have a value.
1031ACTIONSchedule ValidationValidates the person's schedule for non-elapsed events. Finds the person's current schedule and processes the validation based on the event type. This validation also triggers the messaging framework.
1103ACTIONSuspend Event Posting ValidationPost Validation for SUSPEND event. If the event posting is neither an adjustment nor an elapsed event posting, this validation checks to see if the event is already posted. On the start of the event (based on the prompting type, collection type, and operation stage), this validation checks if the event can be posted (the person is not clocked in or the operation stage is not determined).
1113ACTIONValidation to populate Error Log and update Trans Action Proc StatusPost Validation for the INTERFACE_TRANSACTION_ERROR event, which is used to populate the error_log table. For more information, see the Error Log section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file.
1115ACTIONValidation to populate Person Authorized Hours recordsPost Validation for the INTERFACE_PERSON_AUTHORIZED_HOURS event, which is used to load person authorized hours. For more information on this interface, see the Person Authorized Hours section in the doc-INTERFACE-events-AUTOTIME.htm file. For more information on authorized hours, see "EWT and Comp Time" in the help file.
1038ACTIONWork Order Move ValidationValidates a work order move, if it is not an adjustment. If a move is allowed based on a Move Scheme and values for the F_MOVE_DIRECTION, F_FROM_STEP, and F_TO_STEP prompts, his validation checks to see that the Operation Status is Closed when stopping a labor and operation (in the Order Policy, Stop on Closed Operation is set to Not Allowed, Allowed With Quantity, or Allowed Without Quantity). Next, it validates the Order Status if the order is closed (in the Order Policy, Stop on Closed Order is set to Not Allowed, Allowed With Quantity, or Allowed Without Quantity). It also checks for over completion; checks if bypass is allowed; inserts records into the action_move_quantity and action_move_quantity_dtl tables, and updates the charge_element_operation table accordingly.
100040ACTIONWork Order No Move Keep Available ValidationValidates the existence of the Operation, the Operation Status and the Order Status, similar to the Work Order Move Validation (ID 1038). On an adjustment, if the Order Policy does not have Update on Cancel checked, or if the event prompt is a Start stage prompt, this validation will not do anything else. Otherwise, this validation checks that that there is sufficient quantity to cover the amounts entered in the Quantity Complete, Scrapped, and Rejected prompts (F_QUANTITY_COMPLETED, F_QUANTITY_SCRAPPED, and F_QUANTITY_REJECTED). If there is sufficient quantity, this validation updates the Operation to reflect the new quantities.