Change Password

Use this form to change the password you use to log on to Shop Floor Time.

You may need to change your password if you received a message during login that it is about to expire. If your password is reset or has already expired, you must use the Change Password option in the Login screen to change your password.

The password’s requirements (such as minimum and maximum characters) are defined in your Password Profile.

See Also:

Change Password Field Descriptions

Using the Change Password Form


Change Password Field Descriptions

Old Password

Enter your existing password in this field.

New Password

Enter your new password in this field.

Confirm Password

Enter your new password again in this field.


Use the Change Password Form

  1. Click Main Menu > Self Service > Change Password.

  2. Enter your current password in the Old Password field.

  3. Enter your new password in the New Password field.

  4. Re-enter the new password in the Confirm Password field.

  5. Click Save.

If your new password does not meet the requirements in your Password Profile, an error message will appear to let you know why the password is incorrect (e.g., Must have at least 6 characters).

Note that the Max Pwd Tries setting in the Password Profile (the number of times you can enter an incorrect value for your current password before being locked out) does not apply when using the Self Service Change Password form.

If the new password has any of the following characters, an 'Invalid Password' error will appear:

#  %  \  '  ?   =  + &

You cannot use the above characters in your password.