The Act As Detail tab on the Act As form is a view-only form that displays the groups or employees that are assigned to a supervisor/manager. Select the appropriate delegation record in the Act As form to view the Act As Details.
This field identifies which employees are supervised. The types are categorized as follows:
ALL: Includes all employees that are supervised by the manager who is listed in the Manager Num column on the Act As form.
GROUP: Includes any employees that belong to a Supervisor-Manager group where the manager who is selected on the Act As form is as a Employee Group Manager.
DIRECT: Includes any employees that belong to a Direct Manager group where the manager who is listed on the Act As form is the single manager.
HIERARCHY: Includes any employees that belong to a Hierarchy group where the manager who is listed on the Act As form is the Employee Group Manager.
PERSON: Identifies that the delegation is for a single person (who belongs to any of the types mentioned above).
This field identifies the Employee (First Name, Last Name and Employee/Person Number) or the Group Name.