Using Spread

Cobra provides the capability to time-phase resource assignments using predefined or customized spread curves.

You can use the pre-defined spread methods on the Spread Curves tab of the Application Preferences dialog box, or create a new custom spread curve using the Add Spread Curve dialog box.

The spread curve is stored and saved at the resource assignment level. Cobra spreads the value that you entered for the budget or forecast resource in the Time-phase pane of the Project view based on the calendar assigned to the project. Cobra uses the spread curve when running project processes such as Integration, Reclass, Respread, and Calculate Forecast.

The spread curve assigned to the resource assignments is displayed in the Spread Curve column in the Spreadsheet pane of the Project view.

How spread works in different areas of Cobra is described in the sections below.

Project View

When you modify the baseline dates of the selected control account or work package on the General tab, and the new dates extend or shorten the time-phase period of the budget or forecast resource assignments, the Spread Curve column in the Spreadsheet pane changes to Manual, which indicates that the spread has been modified manually and no longer uses a predefined curve.

When you edit any of the Total columns in the Time-phased Details pane, and there is already a spread curve assigned to the selected budget or forecast resource assignment, the Spread Curve column in the Spreadsheet pane changes to Manual if you select any of the following options on the Spread dialog box:
  • Remaining fiscal period
  • Use existing profile
  • Last period only

Project Processes

When running project processes, the spread works as follows:
  • When a spread curve is assigned to the resource assignment, Cobra uses it during respread. When Manual spread curve is assigned, or the spread curve is not specified, Cobra uses the existing profile of the resource assignment during respread. If a resource assignment is created in the target class during Reclass, Cobra uses the spread curve assigned to the source class.
  • If a spread curve is deleted, it will not be set to Manual unless you run Respread, Calculate Forecast, or Reclass.
  • If a resource assignment is created in the target class during reclass, Cobra uses the spread curve assigned to the source class, if it is a valid spread curve.


When importing resource assignments from files, the spread works as follows:
  • Cobra uses the spread curves assigned to the resource assignments if you select the Curve column on the Import File Field Mapper page and the Use curves for resource spreads option on the Resource Assignments page.
  • If there are no spread curves assigned, Cobra assigns the Manual spread curve to the resource assignments.
  • If there are no matching spread curves, Cobra assigns the Manual spread curves to the resource assignments.
  • If there are multiple spread curves being combined to the same resource assignment during integration, Cobra assigns the Manual spread curve to the resource assignments.