Resource Results Page of the New Resource File Wizard

Use this page to select the results that you want to calculate against the resources in the file.

The results that you selected on this page will be available on the Calculations tab of the Resource view when you want to add results to a resource.


Field Description
Selected This field allows you to specify the results that you wish to include in the resource file that you are creating.
Field Name This field displays the field names of the results as they appear in the Cobra database. You cannot modify the field names in this column.
Result This field displays the names of the results available in Cobra. You can modify the names in this column if you want to differentiate them from their database field names. Cobra uses the value in this field in projects and reports. This is a required field.
Unit Use this field to define the unit type for each result. For example, for the DIRECT result you can enter $ in the Unit column to indicate that this particular result is computed in terms of monetary currency. This is a required field.
Default Rate Set Use this field to select the rate set that you want to use in a selected result. You can select from the rate sets that are available in the default rate file that you selected in the Default Rates page. This is an optional field.
Currency This field displays a checkbox if the result selected is a currency. Results that are flagged as currency are summed together to give total values in the Project dialog box. Cobra uses this flag to prevent the addition of hours and currency values, and to prevent the addition of two different currency values. For example, US dollars and Euros are both currency values, but only the currency defined for the project should be flagged as currency to prevent the addition of US dollars and Euros.

Result Code Use this field to define a result code. The following options are available:
  • <None>: No result code
  • C : Cost of Money
  • D: Direct
  • E : Fee
  • F: Full Time Equivalents
  • G: General & Administrative
  • H: Hours
  • N: No scale factor
  • O: Overhead

You can also enter your own code.

Cobra uses result codes to drop G&A to the bottom line, calculate direct labor rates by dividing hours by direct result, and perform full-time equivalent calculations during the rolling wave process. You can modify the resource result assignments afterwards on the Results tab of the Resource File Properties dialog box.