Report Types

The two main report types are model reports and aggregated reports. Model reports display data from a single table. Aggregated reports display data from multiple related tables and can roll up data based on a code.

Examples of model reports are Calendar, Rates, and Project Data. Examples of aggregated reports are CPR Format 1, Time-phased, and Project Cost Set.

The applicable/available tags and parameters vary among the report types.

This table lists the available report types and provides a general description of each one. A Yes in the Aggregated column indicates that the time-phased data is summarized based on the report criteria before the report is generated. To run an aggregated report, you must select one or more criteria and one or more cost sets.

When you click All Reports in the navigation pane's group bar to view the All Reports pane, you can see various reports and their types.

Report Type Aggregated Description
Access No Dedicated report type for the File Access report.
Change Management No Dedicated report type for the Change Management and Project Reconciliation reports.
CPR Yes CPR reporting. Time-phased data; rows grouped by criteria; columns grouped by cost sets. Sort Code and subtotal options available in report footer.
CPR3 Yes CPR3 reporting. Baseline data.
CrossTab Yes CAP reporting. Time-phased data; rows grouped by criteria and cost sets.
CrossTabCriteria Yes Time-phased data; rows grouped by criteriaN-1; columns grouped by CriteriaN.

Used for 1921-1 report.

Graph Yes Graphic reports. Time-phased data; rows grouped by criteria and cost sets.
Model No Reports based directly on underlying data structures (for example, control accounts, code files, and so on.) The Report Table Type indicates the main table.
Pivot Table Yes Pivot table reports. Time-phased data is grouped by criteria and cost sets on the Data worksheet. It is presented on the Report worksheet in a pivot table.

If exactly two criteria are selected, the pivot table is initialized as follows; otherwise, an empty pivot table is displayed:

Row Label 1: Criteria 1, No Subtotals

Row Label 2: Cost Set, Summed Subtotals

Column Label 1: Criteria 2

Values: Summed Value

Project Audit Yes Project log reporting. Rows are grouped by criteria.
Project Planning Statistics No Dedicated report type for the Project Planning Statistics report.
Summary Yes Time-phased data; rows grouped by criteria; columns grouped by cost sets.