Lists Import Fields

You can import lists of standard values for selected fields.

Generally, these lists contain attributes that you want to assign to employees, generic resources, projects, or opportunities. For example, you can create a standard list of employee skills that you want to track for resource planning purposes. You can then associate specific skills from that list with the employees who possess those skills, and search for and select employees to work on projects based on their skills.


Field Description/Notes

Code Table Type

Size: See notes

Type: varchar


The code for the type of the list to which you want to add the list value. For example, to import a new item for the employee education list, set this field value to EMDegree.

Valid entries are the following:
  • Citizenship: List of descriptions of employee citizenship status.
  • Citizenship: List of descriptions of employee citizenship status.
  • EMDegree: List of levels and types of employee education.
  • EMRegistration: List of licenses, accreditations, and other professional credentials for employees.
  • EMRegistrationType: List of types of credentials. The types are used to categorize credentials on employee cards.
  • LaborCategory: List general labor classifications for employees (for example, Principal or Project Manager).
  • EMLocation: List of employee locations.
  • EMSkill: List of employee skills, knowledge, or expertise.
  • EMSkillLevel: List of employee skill levels.
  • EMSkillUsage: List of skill usage values (how long an employee has been employing the skill).
  • CFGProjectType: List of project types (for example, Engineering, Architecture, Construction)
  • Suffix: List suffixes that are added at the end of employee names (for example, Jr. or Sr.).
  • State: List of states and provinces.

    Deltek Resource Planning comes with U.S. states already in the database.


Size: See notes

Type: See notes


The identifier for the list item. This value must be unique within the list to which it belongs. When you import an employee or project, you include this code in that import record to identify the list item as an attribute of that employee or project. In most cases, the associated description, not this code, actually appears when you display the list or view employee information in Deltek Resource Planning.

Use this field to specify the following:
  • Citizenship codes (12 characters)
  • Country codes (8 characters). Deltek CRM comes with a default list of countries. The country codes used in the default list are the ISO Alpha-2 codes.
  • Degree codes (20 characters)
  • Credential codes (20 characters)
  • Credential type codes (10 characters)
  • Labor category codes (10 characters)
  • Location codes (10 characters)
  • Project type codes (10 characters)
  • Skill codes (10 characters)
  • Skill level codes (Smallint: 0 - 32767)
  • Skill usage codes (Smallint: 0 - 32767)
  • Suffix codes (20 Characters)
  • State/province codes (20 characters). Deltek CRM comes with the U.S. states in the default list. The state codes in the default list are the standard 2-character postal codes.


Size: 50 characters

Type: varchar


The description or name for the list item that you want to appear when you display the list or view employee information in Deltek CRM.

Country Code

Size: 2 characters

Type: Varchar

When you import values for the state/province list (Code Table Type: State), you must map a country code field in the .CSV file to this field to identify the country in which the state or province is located. Those country codes must already exist in Deltek CRM. The country codes used in the default list are the ISO Alpha-2 codes.