Employee Import Fields

You can import this basic employee data into the Deltek CRM database. If the employee does not already exist in Deltek CRM, he or she is added. After you add the employee, you can use other import processes or APIs to bring in skills, credentials, education information, and citizenship information for the employee.

Security Information

When you import employees who will use Deltek CRM, you have the option to import their security role, user name, and password. However, to help keep that sensitive information secure, Deltek recommends, that you instead enter those in the Employees & Users area of the Configuration workspace after you import the employees.


Licensing for the Resource Planning module is based on the total number of active and inactive employees set up in Deltek CRM. (Terminated employees are not counted.) If you think you are approaching the limit set by your license, verify that new employees in the .CSV import file or that will be imported through the API will not cause you to exceed that limit. The .CSV import process will import employees until it hits the limit. Any remaining employees in the import file are not imported, and an error is included in the error and warnings file.

Contents: CRM Module Only

If you only activate the CRM module, you can import the fields described in this table. Employee status is set to Active by default for all imported employees.

Field Description/Notes

First Name

Size: 25 characters

Type: Varchar

If this field is blank, the employee is imported without a first name, and a warning message displays.

Middle Name

Size: 50 characters

Type: Varchar

Last Name

Size: 50 characters

Type: Varchar

(Required for new employees)

If this field is blank for a new employee, the employee is not imported and an error message displays.

The import process checks for an existing employee with the same first name and last name or preferred name and last name, or with the same email address. If one of the names matches or the email address matches, the employee in the .CSV file is considered a duplicate.

Preferred Name

Size: 60 characters Type: Varchar

If you specify a preferred name for an employee, it is used instead of the first name in that employee's name throughout Deltek CRM.


Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar

Suffix code identifying the suffix for the employee's name, such as Jr. or Sr. If the suffix code does not match an existing suffix code in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the suffix code, and a warning displays.


Size: 30 characters

Type: Varchar

(Required for new employees if you use organizations)

If your firm sets up organizations in Deltek CRM, each employee record must include a valid organization. Each value in the organization field in your .CSV file must match an existing organization name exactly.

If this field is blank for a new employee or if the organization does not match an existing organization, the record is not imported.


Size: 50 characters

Type: Varchar

Job title. The employee's job title does not have to exist in the drop-down list of standard titles. If it is not in that list, it is included in the TITLE field for that employee record but is not added to the standard list of titles.

Work Phone

Size: 24 characters

Type: Varchar

Work Phone Ext.

Size: 8 characters Type: Varchar

Mobile Phone

Size: 24 characters

Type: Varchar


Size: 50 characters

Type: Varchar

The import process checks for an existing employee with the same first name and last name or preferred name and last name, or with the same email address. If one of the names matches or the email address matches, the employee in the .CSV file is considered a duplicate.

User Name

Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar

If an employee record in your .CSV file contains a user name, it must not match the user name for another employee in Deltek CRM. If it does match an existing user name, the employee is imported without the user name, and a warning displays.


Size: 64 characters

Type: Varchar

Security Role

Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar

Security role name. If a new employee record in the import contains a user name, it must also contain a security role that matches an existing security role in Deltek CRM. If the security role is missing or it does not match an existing security role, the employee is imported but is not set up as a user, and a warning displays.

Disable Login

Size: See notes.

Type: Varchar

If you import an employee as a user, the field mapped to Disable Login should be Y or Yes if you want that person's login to be disabled, or N or No if you do not want to disable their login. If you do not import a value for this field, the Disable Login check box in Deltek CRM is not selected for the employee.

Contents: Additional Fields for Resource Planning Module

If you activate the Resource Planning module in addition to the CRM module, you can import these fields in addition to those described in the preceding table.

Field Description/Notes

Employee Number

Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar


If no employee with a matching employee number exists in Deltek CRM, the import process creates a new employee record.

If an employee with a matching employee number already exists in Deltek CRM and you select the Update duplicate records option, the import process updates fields in Deltek CRM for that employee based on the data in the .CSV file.

If this field is blank, the import process assigns an employee number to the new employee record and displays that number in a warning message.

Professional Suffix

Size: 25 characters

Type: Varchar

Professional suffix for the employee's name that indicates educational degrees or professional licenses or accreditation. It can be a single item (for example, PhD) or a combination of two or more (for example, CPA, CMA, MBA).


Size: See notes.

Type: Varchar

Status code. Valid values are A (Active), I (Inactive), or T (Terminated).

If this field is blank for a new employee or contains an invalid value, the employee is assigned the Active status, and a warning displays.

Hours Per Day

Type: Numeric

Hours normally worked per day. If the import includes no value for this field, it is set to 8, and a warning displays.

Hire Date

Type: Datetime

Date the employee was hired. These dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format or in the date format that is specified in the My Settings dialog box in Deltek CRM at the time you run the import process.

Termination Date

Type: Datetime

Date the employee was terminated, if applicable. These dates must be in YYYY-MM-DD format or in the date format that is specified in the My Settings dialog box in Deltek CRM at the time you run the import process.

Years with Other Companies

Type: Numeric

Number of years of experience (usually relevant experience) working for other firms.

Prior Years with This Company

Type: Numeric

If the employee was employed by your firm, left the firm, and then returned, enter the number of years in the original period of employment.


Size: 10 characters

Type: Varchar

Location code. If the location code does not match an existing location code in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the location code, and a warning displays.

Labor Category

Size: 10 characters

Type: Varchar

Labor category code. If the labor category code does not match an existing labor category code in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the labor category code, and a warning displays.

Utilization Ratio

Size: 0 - 100

Type: Numeric

Target utilization percentage. If this field is blank or contains a value outside of the valid range for utilization targets, the value is set to 0, and a warning displays.


Size: 20 characters

Type: Varchar

Supervisor's employee number. If the employee number does not match an existing employee number in Deltek CRM, the record is imported without the supervisor's employee number, and a warning displays.

If you want to import employee information for supervisors and the employees they supervise from the same .CSV file, you can do so by placing the records for supervisors before those for the employees they supervise in the .CSV file. Alternatively, you could import the same .CSV file twice, once to add the employees and a second time, using the update option, to add the supervisor assignments.